Trienta y Nueve: Lazy Day? I Think Not

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July 18th, 6:21 AM

May began playing with the foam bubbles in the bathtub, but then she thought against it. This wasn't going to secure her place in a home, it would do the exact opposite. She rinsed herself off and climbed out of the tub. After throwing on black yoga pants and a pink sports bra, she walked downstairs and began setting up the coffee table. 3 sketchbooks, one controller for every game console they had, and the tv remote in case she got bored, 4 blankets in case she got cold, and 29 coffees in case she got sleepy. Right on cue, there, at the door, was the man she planned on cuddling with the whole day: Mettaton. She instantly dragged him onto the couch and dog piled him. He saw her arrangement and began setting his plan into action. "I see you have planned to stay home all day, again...lazy," May turned to face him. "Hey, I'm not lazy! I just love snuggling with you," She took a sip of one of the 29 coffees. "And by 'snuggling with me' you mean drawing, playing video games, watching TV and drinking coffee while laying on top of me, right?" "No, this is just stuff for us to do while we're cuddling, it's called the way you can have a coffee or two if you want, 16 of these are peppermint mocha, 7 are regular mocha, 4 are just plain vanilla and 2 are black, which I'm hoping I don't run into because I forgot which ones were which, the one I have right now is peppermint so if you're lucky you'll get one of the other 15," Mettaton picked up a random cup, hoping to avoid the mochas as they were very sugar happy, and took a sip. "Ah, vanilla," Exactly what he was hoping for. "As much as I would love to spend the day playing coffee roulette with you, I already made plans for this afternoon with Napstablook. I just came here to check on you," May froze, unsure how to respond, she loved Napstablook, that precious cinnamon roll of a ghost and knew he was lonely and needed some love, but she still wanted Mettaton's undivided attention as he was her sanctuary, her source of happiness, her everything. Seeing that her mind was buffering, Mettaton added "But I'll spend the rest of the morning with you because I love you," May smiled and schmuggled up closer to the sexy robot.

11:49 AM

May and Mettaton kept snuggling and played another round of coffee roulette. "Black," May commented with disgust. "Mocha, let's switch," The two did so and continued cuddling until Mettaton saw the time. May knew he had to leave, but she didn't want him to. Mettaton began to shift off the couch, putting down the game controller of the game they were playing and pausing it. Mettaton quickly checked his phone to find texts from Napstablook saying he was on his way. "Napstablook is waiting for me, maybe you could try and plan something with one of your friends?" Mettaton suggested as he collected his stuff.  "Friends aren't even real and even if they were, it wouldn't be the same as spending the day with you." May whined getting up and grabbing the keys Mettaton was searching for off the counter. "You know you put so much effort in getting all this gaming stuff together, maybe you should hold a video game party?" Mettaton suggested. May still wished he could stay but the idea if getting to play those huge multiplayer games was really tempting.  "I think you have a lot of friends and friends are definitely real. Look at Napstablook and I. Or Alphys and I. We are there for each other, and I know you have people like that in your life too...other than me." "No, I don't," "So you're saying that the softball team, and Ethan and all the other people you met at school have never been there for you?" "I wouldn't know, I only turn to you for comfort," "Really? Remember how many people showed up at the party you thought nobody would attend?" "They weren't there for me, they were there for the party," Mettaton was getting frustrated. Why did May have to be so difficult? "Try calling them, see if they come for video games with you, for you. I have to go." Mettaton said, giving May one last hug and handing her her phone. May looked at her contact list as the door closed behind Mettaton.

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