Cuarenta y Uno: Small Taste of Freedom

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5:52 PM

Papyrus was almost done making dinner, but something was off. April wasn't peaking out from behind the counter waiting for dinner to be ready, in fact, she wasn't even in the kitchen at all. Strange...something must be wrong. He walked up to her room and found her looking at pictures of all the food she missed, looking so sad! What should he do? He needed some advice, and knew just the person!

5:54 PM

Mettaton gave May a blanket and a hug when he saw Papyrus walking downstairs. He gently set her down on the couch and walked lightly to Papyrus. "Shhhhh...she's asleep, if she wakes up and finds us standing in the same room..." Mettaton whispered as he mimed getting strangled. Papyrus tried his best to hold back his laugh. They decided to move to the garden so they wouldn't wake up May. Now that he didn't have to worry about how terrible his 'whispering' was, Papyrus explained everything that was going on and that he needed help. "Advice? Don't make me laugh," Mettaton was struggling with his own relationship, how could he possibly help his friend with his?  "We may both not be perfect..." Papyrus began. "You can say that again." Mettaton laughed. "But I didn't know who else to turn to. My brother hates April, Undyne would probably say I told you so, I feel like I'm running out of options." Papyrus explained. Mettaton sighed. "Okay so first off, you basically just told her 'surprise, you're not allowed to eat any of this stuff ever again'. I would be pissed if someone did that to me. I know you were trying to get her to eat healthier, but cutting off her access to any 'bad' foods is only going to make her want them even more," "SO YOU'RE BASICALLY SAYING THAT I'VE BEEN TORTURING HER THIS WHOLE TIME?!"

6:13 PM

April heard her door open and turned to see a gloved hand sliding in a bowl with a Spanish note on it. She picked it up and brought it to her bed to find it was...spaghetti...? Spaghetti!! It's been too lon-wait a minute! What was the catch?! She began reading the note, what sort of blackmail was Papyrus up to? "Hey April, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry for being so hard on you, I just wanted to make sure you were eating healthier, I didn't mean to make you so upset, so I made you a little treat, (and no, this will not be the last bowl of pasta you eat in your life). I am also setting up an order form so you and the other squad members can write down what you want and I will make said food by order of the list. Love you. 😘-Papyrus,"

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