Once: Cruel and Unusual

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June 28th, 6:21 AM

May picked up the sponge and began rubbing soapy water on the nose of the pencil grey Crossover. Cleaning. Not something she minded, but she had to do it wearing skinny jeans, so very little leg movement range, and a white sweatshirt. Baggy and no color. She was exposed wearing ugly clothes. Blegck! Oh well. At least she had some passion, orange, guava juice ( also known as POG juice) to sip on while she worked. Hopefully, she could finish this before the neighbors, if they had any, came outside to watch this embarrassing task she was assigned.

7:03 AM

Mettaton leaned against the wall writing down a paper. "Keys, she can't be trusted with my keys," "What'cha doin'? Where's May?" April asked. "She's outside, washing the outside and inside of both cars, in skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt," "What about the undercarriage?" "Didn't say anything about that, but it doesn't mean she won't try," May stormed inside, covered in filth. "Cars are spotless, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean myself before the ugliness of these clothes rubs off on me," she walked upstairs. "No bath will help, her heart is ugly," In return for April's comment, May gave them the finger. "Okay, that's it. I'm done being merciful to her," Mettaton began adding harsh things to the contract he was going to force May to sign.

7:42 AM

May walked downstairs and into the kitchen, waiting for the most important meal of the day, her wet hair dripping on the white table. "Why is everything white? We made plans to renovate, why haven't we started?" she thought. Mettaton sat down next to her and handed her a paper. "Sign here," Rule #1 with filling out forms: never sign anything without reading it first. May knew this.

I'm a young lady on this earth who has made some errors in need of correcting. By signing this contract, I agree to do the following:

A contract?! Not good!

If I want to cuddle with Mettaton, I must ask politely without touching him or giving him puppy dog eyes. If the answer is no, I must wait 5 minutes before asking again.

Okay...?!... Guess she could do that...

If the answer is yes, I can snuggle all I want, but if he wants to get up, I will let him get up. I don't decide when cuddle time is over, he does.

But it's better the other way around!

I will not touch Mettaton's keys unless he asks if I have seen them since I cannot be trusted to not take advantage of him constantly losing them!

But how was Mettaton going to benefit from being with May if she didn't find his missing objects for him?! This contract took away the only thing May could make easier for him!

If something goes wrong, I won't run away or cause another's injury. Instead, I will walk around the perimeter of the backyard until I am ready to talk with someone about the issue.

Pffft! No promises.

I will not curse at or be rude to any member of the family.

Not like she talked to them at all anyway.

Any violations of this contract will result in 10 minutes inside a custom-made jail with nothing to do but reflect.

A 5-year-old punishment?

I cannot rip or shred this contract as it is a saved document.

"I'm not signing this," May handed the contract back to Mettaton. "No getting out of it...unless you'd rather have me stop coming here. No one to tuck you in, no one to reassure you that everything's okay, no one for you to cuddle with," "Okay, fine!" May pulled out a pencil and wrote her name on the dotted line, hoping Mettaton would soon forget about it. 

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