Treinta y Cuatro:'m Outta Here...

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July 15th, 7:09 AM

Mettaton had breakfast ready and began setting up, but where was May? Normally, she'd be out of her bath by now. He walked into the bedroom to find her still fast asleep. "..No!...You might have snuck out to go to 'bars' when you were kids...but I refuse to let you steal my man...and take him to some random drink excessive sir!" Just because of her attitude, today's next lesson would be...grudges!

7:34 AM

May left her bath and walked into the living room. She could smell breakfast. Ugh, eating at the table better not be a regular thing from now on! She hated it! Tables were for working! Not for eating! Regardless, she walked into the kitchen, expecting breakfast to already be there. She found it on the counter and filled up a plate, but when she was about to sit down, Mettaton took it out of her hands. "Hey, what are you--?" "Oh, so you want food now, after all the times I made sure to make it great for you, and you refused to eat it?" What? What was with him today? She thought he understood her! "Uh...sorry?" May replied, confused as to what the hell was going on. What could she do...hugs! Yeah, hugs solved everything! She leaned closer and wrapped her arms around Mettaton. "I know...I'm a b***h about food...I'll make it up to you...I promise..." The most shocking part of her plan was that it resulted in Mettaton straight-up calling "Bulls**t," She let go and backed away. "Are you okay?... Did you hit your head or something like that?" Mettaton looked her dead in the eyes. "Yeah I'm sick, I'm sick of you always acting like you own me," May's eyes bugged out as she continued backing away into the living room, where her bag was hanging on a hook next to the door. "Uh...I'm going for a walk...bye!" She flung her bag over her shoulder and zipped right out the door. "Yeesh!" She needed to stay away from home for a while.

9:01 AM

After a nice walk in the field, May decided she was ready to go home to a, hopefully, less cranky Mettaton. When she opened the door, he was on the couch watching TV. May knew the show, it was called "Bringing Sexy Back". It was a good show, she often watched it with him. She hung her bag up and crawled into his lap, expecting him to return the affection, but he just bluntly pushed her onto the other side of the couch with his hand adding a "get off me," to make it worse. That was strange, he should've cooled off by now. She simply leaned the other way and watched the show. "Don't give me that, I'm not gonna just let you crawl on top of me whenever you feel like it," "Hey, you said I could use you as a pillow whenever I wanted," "That was several months ago, and at the time you would still be functioning just fine on your own. Now, I can't even go to work without calling to check in on you, because I can't trust you to be home alone for more than half an hour," May looked at him and simply commented "That's more than most parents think their children can last without an adult in the house," Mettaton was almost at a lost for words. But quickly found them. "May... I'm not your parent! I'm your boyfriend," May began looking around the room before a slow reply of "what makes you think I didn't know that?" Mettaton was so mad. Either May was "playing stupid" or she really didn't see all the red signs. "Well you have consistently been co-dependent on me, I have picked you up and dropped you off at school. I taught you how to drive, my car. You live in my house without contributing to any of the bills... You literally just compared me needing to check up on you to "other" parents. ALSO! Just for argument's sake, you're 16, most parents with a responsible-" He put extra emphasis on that last word. "16 year old, would expect them to be able to get to and from school, and a part-time job.  Oh! And not to mention eat throughout the day!" Knowing this was an argument she couldn't possibly win, May just got up, walked to the door, grabbed her bag and walked out, dropping off a weak "d****e," on the way out. Mettaton didn't even respond as he knew there was no need to continue. May was already out of bullets, calling him that was simply her way of dropping the gun. 

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