Treinta y Cinco: A SALAD??!?!??!

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July 16th, 2:54 AM

April sprung out of bed and made a beeline for the kitchen like always. She opened the fridge expecting to bump into some of the other squad members' treats, but there was no food, it was all just...ingredients. She couldn't just eat ingredients! She needed a proper dish! What was she supposed to do? Go back to sleep?! She would just have another nightmare! Hmph! She turned away with a pout and walked back up to her bed, simply staring angrily at the ceiling. Food in her belly always made her feel better, well, emotionally at least. How was she supposed to cheer up now? She couldn't just randomly go hug somebody!

7:03 AM

April walked downstairs, upset, expecting to be given pure fruit mush, but what she saw instantly snapped her out of her zombie-like state. Eggs...? Eggs! Yummy eggs! She did her best to savor them and eat as slowly as possible, as she knew she wouldn't find anything this good for weeks, months, possibly ever! These eggs were the only thing worth filling her belly with she had in days! Sadly, they were soon gone. Out of pure instinct, she immediately asked for more. Papyrus didn't blame her as she was probably so used to getting a stomachache, she probably didn't even know if she was full or not without one. He gave her a little bit more and left her alone to enjoy it. She munched slowly, taking very tiny bits, hoping to make the eggs last. Sadly, they didn't, but there were no more left in the pan. She turned to the back door and began watering her plants. She was graced with eggs for breakfast, but the same most likely wouldn't be said for lunch. Oh hey, little spider, howya' doin'?

10:09 AM

"Aw come on, it's only 10?" April had finished watering all of her plants. Normally, it would be time for lunch by the time she finished, but now, she had to wait 2 hours before she got to eat again and it was probably going to be something gross, like salad. Seeing as she already watered her plants, she doubled back to check for any dead leaves that need to be pruned, or say hello again to some of her favorites. She quickly got lost in her massive garden. Happily roaming around and checking up on some of the plants that tend to get that much attention. 

11:56 AM

April made her way into the kitchen expecting the worse. When she sat down per Paps instructions she was already mentally preparing herself to just shovel down something like plain lettuce or raw broccoli. "All right April I think you're going to really-" April closed her eyes, not wanting to see the food she was destined to consume indefinitely. "like this," She snapped her eyes open when a delicious smell filled the area. A gloriously large salad was barely staying inside the bowl. Of course, there was lettuce. But on top, there was breaded chicken and crispy wontons. A handful of cherry tomatoes and slices of cucumbers from her garden were sprinkled on. Drizzled on top of all of that what smelled like a zesty, peanut, ginger dressing. Paps was walking around the kitchen tidying up. Despite it looking actually amazing, she still shot Papyrus with a death glare for giving her a salad. Without turning around he said "Don't look at me like that. Try it first before you start whining," With a roll of her eyes, she stabbed the salad, making sure to get a good amount of chicken and dressing in the bite... "Oh my god!" She really had to hide how much she liked it. Before she knew it she was scraping the bowl clean. "I take it you hated it huh... " Paps took the bowl with a victorious smile. "It wasn't bad..."  She held her hand up, trying to hide the dressing all over her lips. Without a word, she sped out of the kitchen. 

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast! The Sequel.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt