Cincuenta y Ocho: Breaktime!

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March 21st, 11:04 AM

Clouds filled the sky threatening to unleash a squadron of raindrops onto Redwood Pines. "For the last time, I will be fine, we will be inside before it starts raining. Besides, it's gonna take more than a little sky water to take me away from you," Mettaton remarked as he gently pat the head of the little treasure clinging onto him as the two walked. May looked around, trying to make sense of the unusual surroundings. Had she ever been to this part of town before? No, this couldn't be the town, where was Black boulevard? Or Executive street? Neither were on any of the signs, and none of these street names sounded familiar! What was she supposed to use as a reference point if she got turned around? She was used to using the intersection between Black and Executive, to the left: an art supply shop, straight ahead: the mall, to the right: a small restaurant, back: school. "Trying to create a map of this place?" Mettaton asked, snapping May out of her thoughts. "Wait, where are we going again?" "You'll see when we get there," Another pat to the head. Where could he possibly be taking her that required straying from familiar locations? "You're not luring me into some sort of deathtrap are you?" She loosened her grip, ready to make a run if necessary, but still held on so as to not get lost. But she never received an answer to her question, at least not before the 'sky water' sent the first of its soldiers. She risked letting go with one hand to slip into her bag to grab an umbrella, but wherever they were going, a roof was already over their heads. Looking around, she found herself in a dimly lit room with some sort of plants slowly eating the walls and slow, calming music playing. They began walking, walking, then were seated in a small booth. It didn't hit until she was pried off of Mettaton that the two were at a restaurant, a rather nice one too.

11:23 PM

The two had gotten drinks but still looked through the menu for food. "Mashed potatoes? I didn't even know that was served at restaurants," May commented as she examined every course listed in front of her. "Cheapest thing on the menu though, very suspicious," ugh, what was she supposed to order? And when was the last time she ate solid food without throwing up an hour or two later? It wasn't that she was sick or anything, her body was just rejecting everything besides the small bowl of soup she was spoon-fed at sometime after midnight before being carried to bed when she was simply too tired from all the schoolwork. Did it matter what she ate if she was just going to throw up when they got home? These thoughts ran through her mind until she felt a small squeeze to her wrist. She looked up to see Mettaton looking at her. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" Mettaton picked up a cup of ice with a straw. "I've never seen you drink a soda that fast," May's eyes widened at the sight of the empty cup. Did she seriously drink that whole thing on autopilot? She stood up and started walking. "The bathroom's that way," Mettaton pointed in the opposite direction. As May disappeared from sight, Mettaton let his head fall into his hands. The way she was clinging onto him on the way here spoke for itself. He thought it would be good to remove her from a stressful environment and introduce her to a new one, but his precious gem didn't seem comfortable in the slightest bit. And there she was, walking back to the table. As she sat down, she picked up her bag and began to reorganize it. "Ugh, just look at me, I'm falling apart. I smell bad because I haven't had time to clean myself properly, my bag is a disheveled mess, mascara and lipstick are all I have time for so my face is practically naked, my hair is never completely untangled because it doesn't dry in time for me to brush it all the way through, I have bags because there's just not enough room for sleeping, there's always something I forget on my way out the door, and my whole day is just schoolwork, schoolwork, coffee, schoolwork. I can't put up with this anymore," She trudged to Mettaton's side of the table and crawled into his lap, face planting into his chest. Mettaton just sat there for a bit, letting May compose herself. "I know darling, high school is hard," he gently stroked the back of her head before gently guiding her back to her side of the table. "There there, now, you'll feel better after you've eaten. Don't think about the price or the nutritional value, just pick something you want sweetheart, and you can have dessert afterwards if you stay on your side of the table," He smiled as he saw May perk up at the thought of dessert. Good to know her sweet tooth was still up and running.

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