Cincuenta y Seis: Whoosh!

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February 15th, 12:38 AM

April had a very...exhausting day. It was parts frustrating and parts fun. It started out with another nightmare which was once again followed by a trip into the kitchen, but Cleo ushered her back to bed, where she lay sleepless and motionless until morning. When breakfast came around, she was given more eggs than normal, plus a card game with Papyrus for the first time in months! Leaving for school in a good mood, she passed the assignments. Afterward, she worked a long shift of scanning people's items at the grocery store. Very annoying detail: half the customers spoke Spanish only, but she was the only employee who knew a language other than English. Did her boss not see the problem with that? Then after work, she was treated to another poker game and a movie with Papyrus, then went to go water her plants. Due to exhaustion and possibly timing, according to Papyrus just fell asleep on the patio. She was carried to bed and tucked in as she slowly dozed off.

12:46 AM

May had a terrible Valentines Day. First, the Valentines Dance was canceled because the students had too much work to do, then there were the assignments, all with grades less than half despite the hours doing schoolwork, and her mission to work on herself and "not be a b***h" was going down in flames because the excessive stress revealed itself as aggression towards her classmates, and she didn't even get to spend any quality time with her love because she had too much schoolwork to do and stopping for even just 10 minutes could throw her behind by an entire month! As of now, frustration, stress, and exhaustion brought her down to the floor, crying. "I can't do this, I quit!" She managed to say through the tears as a familiar hand ran down her arm in an attempt to comfort her. "Why do I need to do high school anyway? I'm just gonna drop out and maybe I can get my life back," she muttered as she was lifted up off the floor and carried up the stairs to her bed, ah, pillows, sheets, blankets, seeing and feeling them again after weeks of hard textbooks and crinkly papers in their place. As she fell into slumber under the blankets and with a dog to snuggle with, Mettaton walked down into the kitchen and began to add to May's work, recreating her handwriting the best he could, trying his best to help her get the work done and lift a burden off her shoulders.

7:04 AM

Mettaton walked up to May's room to see her still sound asleep. Seemed after reuniting with her cozy bed, she didn't want to leave. With only her closed eyes and a fluffy pointed snout next to them revealed under the covers, the bed radiated with peacefulness, adorableness...he wanted to follow her into the warm, secure nest as he was feeling tired and wanted to give her a hug, but that would wake both of them up. Agh, too late, Matteo was awake, but May just rolled onto her other side, eyes scrunching up as her arms had nothing to wrap around, which likely caused some distress in her dream. Mettaton pet the dog as if to tell him that his mother would be okay and joined her in bed, wrapping his arms around her. "Come here, sweetheart," he whispered. There it was, a heartbeat, a precious, precious heartbeat against his chest. Now he could plug himself in knowing May was feeling secure and dreaming sweetly.

7:39 AM

Mettaton removed the cable from his neck and found himself alone. Guess May was already back downstairs doing schoolwork. That was all she ever did anymore, it was sad, but they had the whole week off, so he could help her get caught up, maybe get her to start a study group with her friends, and he could set up something to do for her birthday. Schoolwork certainly wasn't something she'd want to do the day she turned 17! Hmmm...oh, there was her phone on the counter, possibly banished from the table due to being labeled as a distraction. He walked over to the counter and picked up her phone, getting the passcode right on the first try. May thought she was being clever changing it every 2 weeks, but she didn't take into account that someone might be looking, and there were only so many possible combinations to make. He knew she wouldn't be happy with him using her phone, but she needed to loosen up. "Hey guys, meet me at the candy shop on Black Boulevard. Bring your schoolwork," he sent before setting the phone back where it was, but left the ringer on so May would hear it.

7:41 AM

May slid a folder of finished work into her big, stupidly well-organized, black leather handbag and heard her phone chime. Strange...she could've sworn she turned it off! She got up to find she had received a text. Huh? She opened the conversation and saw an invitation for a hangout. It would be good to get out of the house, and maybe being with her classmates could make it feel less like a burden, but she was still going to slap Mettaton when she saw him next. She packed up all her work, put on some makeup and began to walk out the door. Seeing Mettaton about to get into his car, likely going somewhere, she walked up to him. Then, in a 5-second sequence: she slapped him, captioning: "that's for using my phone," hugged him adding "this is for setting up something nice for me, you're the best person in the galaxy, I love you, bye," before speeding off, sprinting back to add "you better be here when I come back," punctuated with a quick peck on the cheek, then speeding away for real.

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