Cuarenta y Cuatro: Shhh...

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5:38 PM

May had spent the whole day glued onto Mettaton, her head on top of his, legs wrapped tightly around his pecs, arms hanging around either side of his neck. He let her hitchhike down the stairs and into the kitchen for dinner. Immediately, her eyes locked onto Papyrus, trying to melt him with a death stare. Mettaton would've scolded her, but honestly, that was the bravest thing he saw her do all day since she came home. Instead, he set her down in a chair next to him, where she just clung onto him tightly, not quite crying or whimpering, but definitely making horrified noises. Seeing her so terrified reminded him of something that happened when he was just a little ghost. "Shhh, it's okay, you're safe now," May simply increased her grip as Mettaton gave her comforting pets on the head. "You know, something like this happened to me when I was just a small child," she looked up, clearly not calmed but intrigued. Who could've been after such a sweet little ghost? Especially one that grew up to be such a sexy, loving robot?!

It was a quiet afternoon in Waterfall, Mettaton had managed to sneak past his family and out of the house. He floated into Snowdin, but he could feel something was wrong, what was it? He turned around to see a shady figure walking in his direction. Terrified for his life, he flew through the wall of the skelebros' house. Soon after, there was a knock on the door. He flew up to Papyrus's room, hiding under his race car bed. He could hear footsteps and peeked out from under the bed to find his little skeleton friend! "What's going on Mettaton?" Papyrus asked as he held an action figure in his hand. "I think someone is after me. I didn't know where else to go." Mettaton said retreating further under the bed. "I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL NOT LET THEM GET YOU," Papyrus exclaimed. Mettaton laughed a little and gave Papyrus a little ghost hug!

"I wouldn't stray more than 5 feet away from him for weeks after that," May then turned to Papyrus, not with a defensive look, but rather with a raised eyebrow and a tilted head, just staying frozen that way. Mettaton could see Papyrus was getting freaked out by it and explained that she was just processing. Papyrus continued making dinner, but May's mind was still buffering when it was served. Seeing how long she was frozen for, Mettaton began to worry and waved his hand in front of her face. She snapped out of her frozen expression and resumed clinging onto Mettaton, who braced himself for getting crushed, but wait, her grip wasn't as tight as it usually was, he could tell it was still a defensive grip, but he wasn't being crushed. Nonetheless, he still braced himself, just in case. "Hmph...thank you for watching over him, but he is still mine!" Okay, now Mettaton was getting crushed, and once again there was the 'mine!' from a child who wouldn't share a toy, but they were getting somewhere at least. May hid her face and began muttering to herself, something about Mettaton still being her mate and her bodyguard. Mettaton lifted her head up and gave a pointed look at the food in front of her. She just snuggled deeper into his grasp. "Thanks, but I'm not in a food mood right now," Mettaton rolled his eyes. "You never are," he knew she hadn't eaten since yesterday, but he had let it slide earlier because comforting her was more important. "You sure you don't want food?" May shook her head and kept snuggling. "You're not sure?" Mettaton asked as he picked up his fork and snatched a bite off her plate. May looked up and took a little nip. Right then Mettaton could see a new way of thinking: 'if he twust, I twust,'. He could use this, but at the same time, it was a huge leap backwards! How was she going to grow into an independent woman now?!

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