Dieciseite: I Wuv U!!

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6:14 PM

May had moved back in with Mettaton so he didn't have to risk bumping into Papyrus in order to see her every day. At first, she was happy. If she wanted to cuddle with Mettaton, there was absolutely nothing stopping her...or so she thought. "What do you mean I 'love her too much'?! She's my girlfriend, loving her is my job!" May had already hidden under the blankets, surrounding herself with stuffed animals, but that didn't drown out this argument going on over the phone. Why couldn't he just not answer? All that phone could do was call anyway. He was in the living room, so she was stuck in the bedroom. Her stomach was rumbling, but he was too busy fighting to make her dinner. Wait...it was all quiet now...she knew better than to re-emerge from the blankets, as peace didn't usually last long.

6:37 PM

It was still quiet. May felt a hand on her shoulder. Could only be one person. "I made you your favorite, in case you were hungry," she was, but food was the last thing she could want right now. What did she want? Attention, cuddles, love, anything that would make Mettaton turn off his phone instead of answering it and arguing over it. He set the plate down on one of the nightstands and joined her in bed, careful not to harm any of her precious stuffed animals. "I'm sorry you had to hear all of that racket. But hey, our 2-year anniversary is coming up, so for the next 4 days, I am all yours," Exactly what she needed to hear right now. She hugged him tightly. "I love you," in response, she got a kiss on the cheek and some pets on the head. "Love you too," they cuddled for a little bit before May's stomach growled loudly. Mettaton got up, again, careful not to hurt any stuffed animals, and began feeding her. It felt so nice to have all that food off the plate and in her belly! Yum! Breakfast for dinner! Another kiss, this one on the nose. "What did I do to deserve you?" May asked as Mettaton began petting her head. "Be the adorable talented little lady you are," He dug her out of the blankets and picked her up, carrying her into the living room. "Come on, let's go watch some movies," Aw yes, quality time with the sexy robot god.

July 1st, 3:21 AM

"Just one more movie," May begged. "Oh alright, one more, then off to bed," Mettaton told her, knowing she was very tired, and most likely wouldn't stay awake long enough to finish it.

3:29 AM

"And 3...2...1..." Mettaton counted down in his head as he watched May slowly fade into a dream. He turned off the tv and carried her into the bedroom. "Goodnight darling," He tucked her in and turned to leave, but saw her eyelids tighten as she began rustling around, clearly having a nightmare. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Shhhhh, Metta's here, and he's not gonna leave you," he joined her under the covers and held her tight. She began to relax, but now she was awake. She returned the hug, cherishing it. Mettaton pulled away a bit so they were facing each other. "Metta's right here darling, so you can sleep soundly and dream sweetly," he told her in a soft voice before giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Felt nice, he should probably kiss her more.

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