Veintiocho: So Cold...

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2:09 PM

May had ventured down to Snowdin with the warmest clothes she had: a black alpaca wool jacket, some purple sweatpants that were a size too small, pink yoga pants underneath the sweats, coral fox slippers with firm padding in the sole for more protection, and black fingerless gloves. Stupidly, she had come unprepared. Yes, she had her bag that she never went anywhere without, but nothing inside it would help her survive in the snowy wind (however wind happened underground). She was shivering under a tree atop a mat she spent what seemed like an hour weaving pine needles to make. Her artistic skill had definitely proved itself useful, but she couldn't waste her crucial energy trying to weave a shelter, so the tree would have to do. Worse, an ever so present and ever so familiar noise constantly reminded her that she was running on empty. Why did she pick a frozen wasteland of all places?! ugh. Oh no. Her eyes were beginning to close. She tried her best to resist. Don't fall asleep, don't...zzzzzzzzzzz...

2:13 PM

"May, where are you?! I'm getting tired of this! It's not funny!" Even though he knew May couldn't hear him, it made him feel better to at least pretend that she was close by. Mettaton was equal part mad, equal part worried about May. He couldn't imagine why she came down here. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he didn't find her soon. Just then, something that wasn't snow or a tree came into view. He walked closer. Underneath one of the trees, it was something covered in what looked like the beginnings of frost. Not something, someone! "May!" At the sound of the voice, the body jerked a little, as if it was trying to sit up. Phew! He still had some time! He gently picked her up, keeping her body as horizontal as possible. Once they were out of the snow, he removed her wet jacket. She wasn't responding but still had a pulse. Mettaton cursed himself for not being more prepared with blankets and jackets for May. Even though she was covered pretty well, she was far from snow-ready. Mettaton carried her back to his house as quickly and as carefully as he possibly could. He set her down on the couch, wrapping her up in a blanket before speeding into the kitchen to make her some hot chocolate.

2:17 PM

Fuzz. It was all fuzz beyond the blackness. So so cold. It was spinning. Something looked familiar. Slowly the image became more clear and as her eyes adjusted she realized she was laying on Mettaton's couch. Speak of the god, there he was holding a mug. Rather than setting it into her hands, he held the mug up to her lips as he sat down next to her. "Come on, drink," he sighed. "I searched all night and all day for you. What are the odds that I managed to find you before you became a May-sicle?" May took the mug away from her lips and began to set it down on the coffee table, but Mettaton lifted it back up to her mouth. "Keep drinking. We need to get you warmed up," Once she was able to pull the mug away, drowsiness began to hit. Mettaton saw this and shook her shoulders. "May, I know you're tired, but you have to stay awake," He found her laying on top of him, nuzzling herself into the best spot. He lifted her head up with his finger, making her face him. "Please drink May," May rolled her eyes but took a sip nonetheless. "Aside from the fact that you need to stay awake to keep you alive-" The tone in his voice alone snapped May out of her foggy state. Mettaton continued despite the growing pout on May's face. "We also need to talk about how you once again endangered your life being dramatic and reckless," Mays initial reaction was to disagree. She started to sit up in order to better argue but her arms gave out causing her to feebly fall back onto Mettatons chest. Seeing May so weak shook Mettaton to the core. "May-" This time his tone was much gentler. He placed a hand on May's head stroking her hair. "I'm not bringing this up to just cause a fight." He took a deep breath, "This scared me." May froze, that was the last thing she expected to be told during a lecture. "The mere thought of losing you, never being able to do this." He ran his hands through her hair softly. "That terrified me. These disappearing acts where you deliberately put your life in danger are over." The time she crashed on the highway instantly came to mind. "Well, how the-" May stopped to correct herself to make her comment sound more mature. "How was I supposed to know there was this random car completely stationary in the middle of the street?!" Mettaton couldn't help but sigh in frustration. "No, you couldn't have known that, but look at every other fact before that moment. You stole my car. You drove my car when you just barely got your license. And you decided to do all this upset, causing you to be distracted. No, you didn't cause the car to be there or for Snowdin to be that cold. But you put yourself in that situation," May looked down, ashamed of herself, calling herself an idiot inside her head. "Now don't go doing that thing where you tear yourself down, because that's not going to help anything," He once again held the mug up to her mouth, getting her to take another tiny gulp before placing his hand on her forehead. She still had plenty of warming up to do. Shivering, May huddled up closer to Mettaton's warm body, well, warm compared to how cold she was at the moment. "Now can you promise me that the next time you're upset with someone, you won't run away?" May yawned and nodded. "Hang on, you're not allowed to sleep yet," Mettaton handed her the mug and watched her gulp down the rest of the hot drink. Just as she was getting cozy, Mettaton sat up. She tilted her head, confused. "I'll be right back," He handed May her most recent sketchbook, gently slid her off of him, and walked into the kitchen.

2:31 PM

Mettaton returned from the kitchen with a bowl of mac n cheese with hot dogs and bacon bits and...some sort of...rice...concoction? Was it dinnertime already? Or maybe a late lunch? What gives? "Don't give me that. Did you seriously think I didn't know you were hungry?" May looked down, as if on cue, her stomach let out a very audible growl. She looked to see Mettaton looking downright smug as held out the plates to her. May took them begrudging. "You know these mixed signals are getting hard to keep up with," Mettaton looked at her as if you say 'what mixed signals?!' May went to set the food down, but once again Mettaton stopped her and silently prompted her to keep eating. After a mouth full of mac and cheese May said, "One min I'm sure you hate me and the next sentence is going to be you breaking up with me, then the next thing I know you pretty much hand feeding me." This time Mettaton took the food from May, setting it aside. He scooped her up and placed her in his lap, holding her tightly. "Just because I'm mad at you for all the ridiculous, and you must admit, they have all be ridiculous things you have done, doesn't mean I hate you May," he pet her head making her giggle softly. "If anything, doesn't me still being here show that after everything that has happened, I'm not going anywhere?" May nodded and took a bite of the rice dish. Hm, tasted like a sloppy joe, but with rice instead of beef. And since she felt bad for Mettaton doing pretty much everything in this relationship, she went onto her laptop and began looking for a suitable job. Nothing food-based, no ugly uniforms.

3:04 PM

Mettaton found May taking a snooze on the couch, the food plates on the coffee table completely empty. Just to be safe...yep, she was all warmed up. "Hey...stop it...I just finished cleaning up in here..." Yup, she was back to normal.

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