Sesenta y Dos: Royal Banter Pt 2

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8:29 AM

Looking around, May found the minister in the kitchen. No harmful activity at the moment, seemed like the simple task of keeping his mistress fed, meaning she could share some time with the emperor. So sexy, so attractive, so kissable! Initiate rapid fire smooches! After allowing himself to enjoy the love for a bit, Mettaton sat up and placed his hands on her shoulders to make room for a conversation. "My empress, as much as I enjoy the frequent love and attention I receive from you, I need other things as well, and I know you do too. Today I wish to hang out with my friends, why don't you invite over a few of yours?" May fired off a reply in an instant, "My friends? It's your birthday and this party's for you. I can't invite my friends, that would be so rude of me!" "I can assure you, I wouldn't feel offended or disrespected if you did, on the contrary I'd be thrilled to have them here," he smiled, hoping she wouldn't continue to protest. "Aren't you already thrilled to see the residents of the empire here my emperor?" She gestured to the plushies perched around the living room? "Look at how lively this party is with Squishy, Sparkles, Chuck, Florence, Kayla, Marble, Yusuf, Georgie, Orion, Joey, Allison, Trey, Vi, Iona, Blue, Allistar, Brandy, Greenie and Maggie. We don't need more guests," Mettaton sighed. He knew May loved the stuffed animals, she would play with them in between sleep, schoolwork and cuddling sessions, they always slept in her bed, never in a box, and were treated with care, kept clean, and entertained with the contents of her closet, so he could never cast them aside like objects, but a point he could bring up could persuade her to invite her friends without the plushies being thought of any less. "My empress, are the guests from all over the empire?" He already knew the answer but she needed to reflect. "Most of them are from Plushyville, the town just outside the palace and our most loyal subjects," where was he going with this? "Well I'm sure we can earn the same loyalty from other parts of the empire if we increase the diversity of the guest list," she nodded. They were fair rulers, and opening the palace doors to a few more people would prove that. She picked up her royal message transmission device and typed an invitation to four of the human residents of the empire. "Wait, how do I know that you'll be safe from the kidnapping republic when I take my eyes off you?" How did he forget about that? "The republic was never trying to kidnap me and they were never invading. They had permission to visit the empire any time they wished, and all they wanted was for members of the empire to visit them as well," He sighed. "Let's be real for a bit, I know you don't want to share me with Papyrus because you're scared you'll never get your paws on me again," her eyes widened. She kept him well guarded at all times. Anyone could've stolen him from right under her nose if she wasn't careful. "Now here is what we're gonna do. We will each hang out with our friends for a few hours before a brief cuddling session, then I want you to see if you still feel the need to 'protect' me," May nodded. Sounded fair, not to mention she didn't want to argue with him on his birthday.

11:34 AM

"So we can all agree that Inception is a cinematic masterpiece and that we should all watch it together sometime, also I win," May remarked as she moved her last red pawn home. "What should we play next?" She asked as she browsed the cabinet for board games. Ooh Monopoly! She presented the box to the others in her group and they nodded. She opened the box and began setting up—woah woah woah what was with the unnerving lack of distance between her emperor and the minister?! She should go teach him a lesson—steady May she thought to herself. Maybe they weren't about to head off somewhere private to mate. "She is hot, what do I do?" Wait, a male consulting another male for female wooing tips? Last she checked males would fight at the first mention of females! "I know I shouldn't be thinking these things but I find myself longing to see her in a backless dress and feel her heartbeat and touch her on her...y'know?" Pfft. She couldn't let them know she was listening to them but that was the funniest thing she heard in a long time! Seemed like it wasn't just her though, as Mettaton was having an even harder time not cracking up than she was. "Okay, Pap, the only thing you listed that could be remotely considered sinful is the last one (which I'm not sure I have permission for either) but if you're really worried about such stuff, just keep doing what you've been doing for the past week and let her come to you," Seeing she had nothing to worry about for now, she sighed and resumed her board game spree.

2:46 PM

Mettaton sat on the couch drinking a root beer, watching from a distance as May played a game of Pictionary with her friends, smiling at the sight of her enjoying herself for once, a nice break from the agitated stress ball cuddling with him this morning. He sighed knowing that it was a rare thing for her to be this happy, and it just wasn't right. Something had to change. His empress might not like the new arrangements, he might not like certain alterations, but he would do anything necessary to improve her quality of life. He pulled out a notebook and began making a list. First things first: less cuddling, more socializing, more hobby-ing, more May-ing. No matter how much she stated it, six hours of cuddling per day was not a requirement. Second: meticulous tending had to be cut, no carrying, no hand-feeding, no supplying, little helping-wait...why would he even be there if he wasn't doing any of that? He would be nothing more than mental stimulation! Well...that was still important. Anyway, third: job! She was 17 and unemployed, not okay, especially since she expected to be able to buy a building to start her own business as an adult! Hm...these all seemed like effective changes, but maybe he should get more opinions, and he certainly wasn't going to enforce these today. She was confident, perky, and relaxed right now. That was the best gift he could have asked for and he wasn't about to ruin it.

10:51 PM

"Bye, I'll see you guys at school," May stated before closing the door behind her friends and flopping onto the couch. "Happy birthday my emperor," She crawled into his lap, drained from the long day. "It is now kissy time," she declared in the most seductive voice she could manage before reuniting their lonely lips. While Mettaton would love a kissing session, he knew they needed to turn in for the night. He wanted to carry her and let her think nothing of it, but part of taking care of herself meant walking up to bed. He stood up and made his way to the stairs. His empress followed him in confusion, where were they going? Her eyes lit up when she found the answer, they were going to mate and needed the privacy of-ugh, never mind, he was shaking his head. Did he not see that an heir to the throne was the only thing their empire was missing? Not to mention they had a love nest for a reason: to make love, and love would make a child! Oh well, the two could still cuddle there. Having removed or rather having had her emperor remove her makeup for her, the two changed into their royal nightwear and climbed into bed. Now, time for cuddles! She crawled on top of him and gave him some affectionate nuzzling. "Yes, I love you too," he kissed her forehead and held her close. "Thank you for today, now off to bed sweetheart, we will have plenty of time together tomorrow," but she didn't want to sleep, she wanted to give him love and affection! She repositioned herself and attempted to initiate rapid-fire smooches, but drowsiness caught up to her, leaving her to doze off mid-kiss. Satisfied with the sight of his empress fast asleep, Mettaton adjusted the blankets and plugged himself into his royal charging cable, their palace going dark with them.

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