Treinta y Ocho: We Need To Talk

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8:49 PM

Mettaton knocked on the door to the condo. When it opened, he was hoping it would be May so he could apologize, but it was Cleo. Well, at least he got a squad member willing to be reasonable. "I need to talk to May," he explained. "Come on in," Cleo moved aside, letting him enter. Just then, May walked into the living room. She just stood there, unable to decide whether she wanted to hug him or slap him. "You..." she muttered in a blank voice. "May... I came here to tell you I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just suddenly push you away, I just wanted to-" he was cut off by May giving him the lightest and tiniest slap ever before sitting on the couch with her arms crossed. Clearly she was still mad at him, but when he slowly approached the couch, she gave him what was probably a hug...? Before standing in a corner facing the wall. " you forgive me?" May took a second to think. "Yes...wait no...I-I don't know, I'm still mad at you..." She then sped over to give him a proper hug "...but I miss you so much! I love you, you stupid d****ebag!" Another tiny slap and Mettaton returned the hug.

9:21 PM

May was snuggling on the couch with Mettaton, so happy just to have him back. "May..." she heard as Mettaton lifted her head up to face him. "...I know you love me and just want to spend the whole day cuddling with me, but we need to set up some boundaries," May bent her eyebrows. "Isn't me having to wait for you to come back from work enough?" Mettaton shook his head. "May, their's more to life than just work and romance," "Pfft, no there's not. 'there's more to life' is just a saying that was invented by people who have absolutely nothing good going for them," May returned to the best spot, right on top of Mettaton's chest with her head just under his broad shoulders, but Mettaton sat up. "Hey," May pushed him back down onto the couch and returned to her favorite cuddling position. "No leaving, just schmuggles," Mettaton hugged May breifly."Yes, I love schmuggling with you, just not 24/7. I know you don't understand the concept of a social life, but I need some time for that," May just turned her head to the side with a 'hmph'. Mettaton sat up again, not letting May push him over this time. "Seriously. I need time to spend with my cousin you know that tiny ghost you claim to be a precious cinnamon roll, and Papyrus," he could see May was getting ready to argue but refused to let her. "Now, I know you hate him, but he has been friends with me since I was a kid, I can't just stop hanging out with him," "Yeah you can," May fired off, feeling threatened just by hearing the name. "Friends aren't even a real thing. There are none in the wild, none in the science books, no documentaries on them, they're mythical,"

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