Veintitres: Curses! Pt. 1

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July 8th, 6:03 AM

May was playing with the foam of bubbles in the bathtub when she heard something from the hall. It was Mettaton. Who was he on the phone with this morning? She couldn't quite understand what he was telling them but she could hear a name: Jessica. Just who was she?

7:24 AM

Mettaton was very confused. He could hear May from the living room. Her usual 3 swears per sentence bumped all the way up to 9 per sentence. What was going on? It couldn't have been 'that' week. No, something had May on edge, and he had to figure out what it was. But first, how to get her to stop swearing so much...hmm...hmmmmm...

7:51 AM

May could smell breakfast being made, but she continued playing her game. She had to kill these Lizalfos to save the travelers, but they were holding weapons that took all 7 of her hearts in one hit! One f*****g hit! Mettaton came in with a plate of breakfast. He was acting normal, could he really be cheating on her? She hoped she was mistaking. As she took the plate of the god's blessings, she handed him the controller, frustrated. "Hey, can you take out these a******s for me?" she pointed to the giant evil lizards. "They have weapons that f*****g kill with 1 f*****g hit and I'm trying to f*****g save these poor travelers' asses," Mettaton slowly took the controller while giving her a confused face. "What!?" She snapped at him. Mettaton leaned back in shock. "Alright, what is going on with you today?" He put down the controller, the game forgotten. May mimiced his actions by leaning back and she crossed her arms over her chest. "I could ask you the same thing Mr," Mettaton couldn't hide his confusion but before he could ask May what she was implying, May blurted out "Just who the f**k is this Jessica?!" Mettaton attempted to hold Mays' hand, but she kept them tightly tucked to her chest. "May...Jessica is my therapist," May burst out laughing. "Yea right! What the f**k would a sexy, badass, Mr. F*****g Perfect god, like you, need therapy for?!" Mettaton put his head into his hands. "I'm flattered you think so highly of me. But it's true, I have a therapist," May wasn't going to be tricked that easily. "Okay okay, so why are you having hushed conversations with a 'therapist'," May made exaggerated finger quotes when she said 'therapist'. "Do you know how stressful things are at work?" May shot back a "Yes. It f*****g couldn't f*****g be more f*****g obvious that you abso-motherf*****g-lutely despise your job. Why don't you just f*****g quit and look for a better one? I've been looking online and I found lots of places that would f*****g kill for someone like you working there!" Mettaton looked up from his hands. "May I can't quit because of 1. I own the place." He couldn't help but hold back his frustrations with her. "2. Unlike someone, I'm an adult and I have responsibilities and bills to pay," May was going to interject, probably to ask what that was supposed to be, but he was on a role and didn't let her interrupt. "Last but not least. 3. You are expensive, and I plan on keeping you around. Despite you accusing me of cheating on you when really, I'm just trying to get help, because unlike what you seem to think of me, I'm not a god... I want to say I'm just human but..." Mettaton held out his arms as if to point out he's obviously not. May let her head fall onto his leg. "You're Mr. Perfect, you're flawless. You have to be a god," She briefly lifted her head up to set her plate of food on the coffee table. She was not very hungry right now. As he was petting the back of her head, he began talking to her. "I appreciate your efforts to find me another job, and I do enjoy you praising me so highly, maybe a little too much, but I never liked how you called me perfect. I know you look up to me, but perfect? That's unrealistic. I don't want you setting unrealistic expectations for yourself, especially since you're already such an amazing, talented woman," Not believing the compliment, May curled herself up, her forehead now on Mettaton's crossed ankles. He propped her up and pulled her into his lap. "Now, if I truly were a god, don't you think I would be able to see all that goes on in this world, predict the future and stuff?" May looked down in a way that said "Fine, you win," Mettaton gave her a small grin. "What I do know, however, is that someone's hungry," He could hear the soft rumbles from her stomach throughout their whole conversation and had been forcing himself to not hand feed her. He grabbed the plate off the coffee table and set it down in her lap. She didn't look like she was in a food mood right now, but he had a trick up his sleeve...

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