Sesenta y Uno: Royal Banter Pt 1

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April 10th, 3:52 AM

Mettaton removed the cable from his neck to find himself buried under several layers of misaligned blankets. What happened? He lifted his head and found May just barely on the bed, her arm lying across his chest. "Darling?" At the sound of his voice, one of her arms flung up onto the bed as if trying to climb onto the bed, but she was tired. He removed the blankets and pulled her up onto the bed before tucking her back in for some proper rest. Before he could turn to face the door, he saw May feeling around the bed, clearly looking for him with her arms. "Alright sweetheart, I'll snuggle with you," Immediately, he was ensnared in a firm but somewhat loose grip. "...welcome to our palace, act civilized, keep clean, and have manners. If you violate our rules, you have shown me that you are savage and you will be banned..." she mumbled as she adjusted her position to avoid circulation getting cut off from her arm. Savage? What could possibly be going on in her head?

4:17 AM

May stretched and crawled out of bed to begin setting up for the special day. Yes, it was early, but sleep was expendable and a peppermint mocha was usually enough to keep her awake. She picked up her current journal and opened it to a page listing today's objectives. Step 1: get up before everyone else, check. Step 2: call assistants. Alphys was more likely to be up at this time than Napstablook, so she decided to call her first. "Hello?... I know it's 4 am but the earlier we get everything set up, the longer we have to party...yes bring everything we bought. You have your present for him, right?  Use that to stall him while I set everything up, okay, bye," Step 3: set up a treasure hunt. She and April were sent on these for their birthdays, so she decided to make it a Thomas family tradition and return the favor, plus it would stall him even more while she set everything up for the party.

5:01 AM

Finally, everything was in place. The animal plushies were in their designated spots, the cake was in the oven, the music was ready to play, the place was not only spotless but beautifully decorated, the lighting was perfect, and all the snacks were out. Proud of her work, May decided to hop in the bath real quick before dressing up, it was a formal occasion after all.

5:43 AM

Mettaton reached the end of the 'treasure adventure line' and held all the pieces of his present in his arms. Considering it was an outfit, he figured he should put it on to see how it looked on him. Whatever May was planning, she was likely almost finished up and making herself look pretty at the moment, so why not do the same? As the whole thing was coming together, he saw the outfit consisted of a black and white suit with a long king-like coat, leather boots with a 2-inch heel to them, and a feathered hat beautifully decorated as if trying to masquerade as a crown. He turned around and--holy s**t, who was this handsome man in the mirror?! He knew May was incredibly skilled, but this was beyond anything he could imagine! Hmm...maybe he could walk downstairs and see her reaction... he found his empress in a beautiful wine dress he had seen once before--seemed it had been bedazzled since then--a ruby and diamond crown she received for her 16th birthday, and a full face of makeup. One look at him and her skin flushed with red. She knew that he would look handsome in that suit but she wasn't expecting such hotness! Of course, he was always a sexy guy, it just hadn't hit her this hard since they first started dating. She put on the music and walked into the kitchen to check on the cake. Just as she thought, the layers came out burnt, exactly how Mettaton liked it. Into the fridge, they went to cool. Now, to make the frosting.

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