»»----- Explanations -----««

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"What the heck.... is this?!" exclaimed a voice. I turned my head to see Izu-kun, Ochaco-chan, Kirishima, and Tsu-chan enter the building along with the Big Three. "Gran Torino?! Aizawa Sensei?! Y/N is here too! This big of a crowd... This is crazy! What's going on..." said Izu-kun.
"Hey, hey! What is this? What are we doing? You said it was a meeting! But I knew that! What kind of meeting?" asked Nejire as she made her way towards Ryukyu.
"You'll see soon. Nighteye will start it shortly." replied Ryuukyuu.

"Thanks to all of the information you supplied, the investigation has progressed considerably." began Nighteye. "The small yakuza organization, The Eightfold Cleansers... What exactly are they plotting? Along with the sharing of acquired information, I would like to consult with you all today." Everyone filed into the conference room.

"Well then, let's begin." began Bubble Girl. "Since about two weeks prior, we at the Nighteye offices have been independently observing a certain villain group known as the Eightfold Cleansers!" My breath hitched. Why does that name sound so familiar?
"What sparked it?" asked one of the heroes present.
"There was an accident involving a thief gang known as the Reservoir Dogs. The police cleaned everything up as just an accident, but there were many points that made no sense and we began to track them." stated Bubble Girl.
"I am a sidekick, Centipeder. As per Nighteye's instructions, I have been doing the tracking and observation. Within the past year, there has been a spike in contact between members of the underground organization and the people outside of the group. They seem to be moving with the intent to expand and accumulate funds. In addition, not too long after the beginning of the investigation..."
"Continuing on." stated Nighteye.
"Uhh, we have this kind of process! We wanted to request everyone's cooperation on HN."
"You can skip that." said Centipeder.
"Okay." replied Bubble Girl.

"HN?" questioned Ochaco-chan.
"That's short for the hero network!" replied Nejire. "It's an internet service that only people with a pro license can use. They say you can see activity reports and apply for help from heroes with useful quirks nationwide!"
"Hey, even if they're UA students, what's with the brats? Can't talk with them around." said Lock Rock. "When we start talking about the heart of the matter, things are going to get dark."
"Don't say that! These two are super important people of interest, y'know!" exclaimed Fatgum as he jumped out of his seat and gestured towards Tamaki and Kirishima. "On another note, I see a lot of new faces around here! I'm Fatgum! Nice to meet you!"

"In the past, the Eight Precepts were suspected of secretly selling illegal drugs. To that end, I've requested the assistance of a hero who is quite familiar with this domain." said Nighteye.
"In the past, I spent a lot of time cracking down on those types of activities." said Fatgum. "And then the other day, during Red Riot's debut battle, Tamaki was shot with something that I had never seen before!" I watched as he clenched his fist tightly. "A 'medicine' that breaks quirks."
"Breaks quirks..?!" questioned everyone at the meeting.
"Huh? Tamaki, you're okay, aren't you?" questioned Mirio.
"Ah, yeah... Once I slept, I was able to recover. Check out this splendid cow hoof." replied Tamaki. I let out a sigh of relief as he turned his right arm into a cow leg.
"Did you eat beef bowl for breakfast?!" exclaimed Mirio.
"It's a relief you were able to recover. Glad it's not a fatal wound." said Lock Rock.
"Not quite..." said Nighteye. "That's where Eraserhead comes in."
"It appears to be a bit different from my erasure." said Aizawa. "For me, I'm not 'attacking' a quirk.

"Immediately after Tamaki was shot, we brought him to the hospital to have him checked. It turns out that his quirk factor had suffered damage. Thankfully, he was able to naturally recover and return to his previous self, but... as for the object that was fired... there were no other abnormalities found with Tamaki's body. Only his quirk was attacked! The guy who fired the gun won't say anything, and the gun itself is in pieces. We only have the portion of the bullet that was fired into him. However, because Kirishima bravely volunteered his body and was shot at, we were able to obtain a bullet with the contents still inside!" exclaimed Fatgum. "And after examining the contents... we made the most sickening discovery... inside were human blood and cells." I felt a shiver run down my spine.
"In other words, the effects are of human origin... A quirk?" questioned Ryukyu. "A quirk that destroys other quirks..."
"Hmm..." muttered one of the heroes. "Based on what's been discussed so far, I still don't see the connection to the eight precepts."
"The man Kirishima apprehended was using an illegal drug. The distribution channels for that drug are complex. Although it's not as commonly distributed as it used to be, there are still many groups that sell it. Although there's no evidence that the eight precepts were selling it, one of the intermediary distributors did have exchanges with them."
"Is that all?" questioned one of the heroes.

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