Part 2 Maleficent Scepter

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When Mal ran from Uma in D2 and left everything behind, including her own mother, the lizard found a unknown way to get out of the box. As soon as she did, she turned back into her old evil self.

December 24, 2020 5:00 P.M. 2020 1 Mile Away From The Museum of Cultural History, Auradon

Emerald's POV

Hi. My name is Emerald Malia Malory, but you can call me Emmy, LITER~AL~LY all my friends do. At the time I was one year old, I was born at the stroke of midnight on the 25th of December, Christmas morning in the year 2019 on the Isle of the Lost. I'm the youngest of my friend group. My mother, Queen Mal of Auradon was about to take me my twin sister Amethyst Claudia Isabella, (born at 11:55 P.M., December 24), my very best friends Ruby Dizzy Sapphire, Daughter of Evie and Doug, born at 11:00 P.M. on March 8th 9 months before me, also on the Isle, and Rorie (Aurora) Rose Hook, Daughter of Audrey and Harry Hook, born 10:55 A.M. April 8th of 10 months before me in her castle to the Museum of Cultural History 2.3 miles away from Auradon Prep for our birthday. My other friends are doing some other things with their families. We're having my horse Black Eclipse pull a transport cart while Flicka, her little foal is in her stall at the stables.

"Come on, Girl. We're only a mile from the museum." I told her. 

December 24, 202o 8:00 P

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December 24, 202o 8:00 P.M. Museum of Cultural History, Auradon

Emmy's POV

We spotted Maleficent's spinning wheel.

"That's Maleficent spinning wheel?" Rorie asked when we were alone. She and Ruby laughed.

"Yeah, it's kind a dorky." Ruby said.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to... look scary." I said. "And if you're not carful I'll use the spell on one of you two." I tried working my magic on the spindle before. I didn't understand why it did, but it worked.

"You wouldn't." Ruby said.

"Oh yeah, try me." I said. "Ruby, go stand over by the spindle." She skittishly backed away from me.

"What? Why me?" She asked.

"Because it won't work on me, Ammy, or Rorie. Believe me we've tried." I said. She continued to back away. "Oh come on. It'll be quick. You'll sleep for a few minutes and I'll wake you right up." She looked me suspiciously.

"You promise I'll wake up?" She asked.

"You have my word." I said. "Come on. I dare you." She groaned, but nodded and walked to a guards post. She sat in a guard's chair and breathed in. I looked through my mother's spell book.

"Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." She fell asleep in the chair.

"Impressive." Rorie said.

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