Part 6 Maleficent's Curse: Deadlyest of Sicknesses

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December 31, 2020 4:00 A.M. Dad's Castle Garden, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I could not sleep that night because I was plagued with awful nightmares of Maleficent using the scepter and putting everyone to sleep. Little did I know that that was not a dream but a vision of the future and It all started later that very same day! Mom was in another country trying to get a new alliance with Ammy since she's the rightful heir to the throne, Dad, Audrey (no one is more attractive and convincing then Audrey), Rorie, and Briar, because they're Audrey's daughters. And, Evie was on a fashion tour with Doug and Ruby, which left Celia and Dizzy to watch me. I was very happy about this. I loved Dizzy and Celia. They were some of my closest friends and favorite people. Partly because they give me some freedom and don't spend every waking second treating me like I was just born. I was walking when I spotted her. Maleficent!

"I was hoping you were home." She said tauntingly, yet gently."Actually, I was hoping for your mother, but, you'll do."

"Guards! Celia! Dizzy! Anybody!" I screamed. No one came. I couldn't defend myself. Everything was done for me. Dizzy and Celia arrived just in time to see what was about to happen. Maleficent used the scepter on me, but it had a different effect on me. I got deadly ill.

December 31, 2020 8:00 P.M. Castle Hospital, Auradon

Emmy's POV

When I woke up both Dizzy and Celia we're right there. Celia rubbed my hand to comfort me.

"Shh shh shh, lay down. Save your strength. Your going need it." She said. Dizzy had her hand on my head. Even without a thermometer I could tell (by Dizzy's worried face) I had a really bad fever, like a deadly fever.

"Good News! Audrey was able to convince the country you're mom is currently in to form an alliance with us." Dizzy told me. It was no surprise here. Like I said before, Audrey is very convincing. And persuasive. But they weren't telling me something.

"We told your mom what happened to you and she is on her way home." Ceil said. That was good news. I hoped she'd hurry. But it took 3 hours, but it felt like even longer for Mom to come home, and that's not counting the drive home from the docks. And I was growing worse by the minute.

December 31, 2020 8:01 P.M. Castle Hospital, Auradon

Dizzie's POV

"I didn't want to worry Emmy, but Mal told me Maleficent wasn't able to make someone sick with the scepter before." I told Celia.

"What do you mean Dizz?" She asked obviously worried.

"Mal thinks she's been getting stronger." I answered. A worried look overlapped Celia's face.

"Then Mal better hurry. I don't know how much longer she'll last." Celia answered.

"Probably another 7 and a half hours! Tops! You better stay with Emmy. I'm going to get Mal." I said. She nodded.

December 31, 2020 11:00 P.M. the Docks, Auradon

Dizzie's POV

When I saw Mal I quickly saw that she was with Ben, Ammy, Audrey, and her daughters. No surprise here, even though we weren't expecting them, Ben and Ammy are her family, and Audrey just adores Emmy as if she were her own daughter, which makes Mal a little bit jealous. She even loves Emmy just as much as her own daughters Rorie and Briar. Maybe even more, which made them very jealous.

"We need to get home." Ben said. I nodded and rushed them to the car. "How is Emmy?" I sadly shook my head.

"Not so good your majesties. She is getting worse by the minute. She might not make it." I said.

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