Part 35 First Day At School

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September 1, 2034 8:00 P.M. Dads Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

Audrey and I were in the middle of a princess lesson.

"Head up. Shoulders back. No slouching." She said. I was slouching. I yawned. I was tried, bored, and num. I was losing my mind.

"Ok. Audrey, I can't take it anymore! Enough is enough! I'm DONE with these lessons! At least for now!" I yelled. "I'm going for a ride and to check the mail." I talked groggily to get my point across. I walked away slouching. I was ashamed of the fact I couldn't have done that before with Amber. I was obviously not happy. I knew Audrey was known for taking being a princess to seriously, but I just couldn't take it anymore! Besides Audrey's tough. She can handle a little yelling. After my mounted archery/chakram and jumping training, or should I say my "ride" I got the mail. I pulled out a letter from Auradon Prep. I opened it as I got to the door.

"Mom, Dad, Audrey, Evie, Girls I did it! I got into Auradon Prep! I'm going to my dream school!" I yelled excitedly. Ammy looked around at Ruby, Jamie, and Cara.

"So did we. We're all going to Auradon Prep together!" Ammy said. We all embraced and squealed for joy like the friends we were. Like I said, Rorie and Briar already attended Auradon Prep. They started 2 years earlier. Ruby didn't get in. She was always traveling with her mother for her apprenticeship. They questioned her commit to the school. Mom looked around at the parents faces. They all nodded.

"All of us are all so proud of you. All of you." Mother said.

"We can practically guarantee you'll love it there." Dad said. All the parents nodded. I was too excited. Auradon Prep was my dream school. OMG! I was going to my dream school! A real school. I still couldn't get over it.

'Ruby would be so proud of me! A real educational school!' I thought.

September 6, 2034 12:00 A.M. Dads Castle Kitchen, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I was all packed. But I haven't been sleeping. And, as usual, Mom was worried about me. Early that morning I got a midnight snack. Some strawberry and vanilla ice cream. I was about to dig in, but slow enough so I don't get a brain freeze, it makes me go crazy and want to bend my head into fire when I saw my mother.

"What are you doing up?" She asked. I didn't answer."Strawberry and vanilla ice cream mood. That means somethings wrong, what is it?" I looked at her wide eyed.

"I've been there. I've found the best way to get rid of it is to talk about it. Do you want to talk about it?" The only problem was she wouldn't stop until I caved. She moved over and tapped a particular spot, indicating she wanted me to sit. I sighed disappointedly.

"Okay." I said. I sat down next to her. "I been having these awful nightmares. Actually, they aren't nightmares, there a very painful memory. My best friends death." She stayed and comforted me.

"Oh, sweetie," She said pulling me close. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. No one should see that."

"I was about to go to the library to read. That usually calms me down. Just to let you know, so you know, you don't send the guard to find me tomorrow." I said. She ignored my insult, if it came off that way.

"Something's never ever change. You used to love being read to. Even though you could practically always do it yourself, you preferred me to do it. Every time you had a nightmare I would bring you there to try to calm you. It worked every time." She said. She kissed my cheek.

"I kind of remember that." I said. The reason I preferred my mom to do it is she never spent time with me, and it forced her to spend time with me. Sometimes I'd pretend to have a nightmare, just to spend time with her. I went to the armory, trained a little. Then, I went to the library and read till I fell asleep.

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