Part 23 Horse Training

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January 6, 2025 8:00 A.M. Our Cottage fields, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I fed Claudia and I snook out early to peruse Duchess's training. I found myself starting to think about the day I met her by the docs while I was on a vaykay and how she became my horse.


On December 6, Dad sent me to an island with Audrey and her family to get in a little well deserved relaxation. Putting up with Amber can be hard work. I found this wild horse on a island when I was about to leave. The funny thing about her is that she... just ran right up to me. She... just stood there, staring into my eyes, like she could see right through me. She lowered her head to let me pet it. She spooked a little when I reached out to her.

"Sh. Sh. It's ok. I won't harm you. Wow. Your quite the explorer, aren't you my little friend?" I said. She nickered in response as I gently stroked her head. Other than that she was pretty quiet. I can't explain it but I felt connected to this little foal. Like we were made to be together. Finding her was a dream come true.

"Thanks for catching MY horse for me. If you wouldn't mind putting this lead rope on her for me and walking her into the trailer, I would be grateful." I heard someone say. Audrey nodded at this. She took my hand.

'It's the right thing to do.' She said using telepathy. That I knew, but I didn't like it. Audrey let go and I reluctantly clipped on the lead rope and walked her in the trailer.

"Please. Don't forget about me." I told her and kissed her muzzle. I could hear her kicking the trailer the moment I left. They drove away. It was the hardest thing I'd done at the time.


That evening I was leaving to get the horse. Earlier I convinced Audrey that staying the night would be good for us. I ran away that night to get, Black Duchess, the horse. I named her after Black Beauty's mom. It was my favorite story growing up. I always read it when I needed to calm myself. She enjoyed the people telling the bad people they shouldn't abuse animals. Ruby loved it too. She always joined me when I read it. Once I had Duchess I would quickly get her to the boat we were going to leave on tomorrow. When I arrived I found that the woman who owed Black Duchess was out looking for her.

"Blackie?" I heard her say as I wrestled through the leaves. "Oh. It's just you."

"What are you doing out here at this hour?"

"I was... on a walk and thought I'd check up on her." I said. "Where is she?" She told me what happened.

"How long ago did she escape?" I asked her.

"Not long." She said.

"Then she couldn't have gotten far." I said. I ran off looking for her. Calling her name convinced she was hiding, scared somewhere on the property. I finally found her after calling her name.

"Duchess! Come here Duchess! Come out girl! It's just me! I wouldn't harm you!" I called.

"Emmy!" She called. Yeah. The fact that she called out to me really helped. I ran to her and hugged her neck. She hugged back with her neck.

"Thanks for catching Blackie for me. Hand her over." She said.

"Her name is Duchess. 'Blackie' what a horrible name. And I'm taking her with me." I told her.

"How dare you tell me what to do with my horse." She said.

"You may own her, but you don't know her. Not like I do. She isn't just a wild, untamable animal. She is a frightened, messed up, lost run away. That has found a safe home. And a person that loves her. She belongs with me and my dad. I know I've only met her earlier today but I feel a bond between us. You can't separate soulmates." I said. From the corner of my eye I saw an arrow coming for me. She quickly ran over to me and knocked me out of the way with her flank, her side. With the arrow just centimeters from hitting her flank. "She just risked her life to save mine." I told her. It appeared that she wouldn't give in, until that morning when we were about to leave.

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