Part 52 Queens of Means

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November 1, 2036 2:00 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"BEST RIDE EVER!! Huh Beauty?" I said to Beauty.

"Agreed my mistress." I said.

"Please stop calling me that." I said. "And it's a real shame Briar, Rorie, Princess, and Tiara missed it.... I'm pulling this from the top of my head but, have you noticed that they have been really mean to me since I became the princess, especially since my announcement yesterday?" I said. Princess and Tiara are their horses. He bobbed his head indicating he noticed. Dad called me to his office. He told us the crown and the scepter were stolen. AGAIN!

November 1, 2036 2:00 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I ran into the both of them and Briar was holding the scepter and Rorie was wearing the Queens crown.

"We were hoping you were home." They said. I laughed nervously.

"Is this a joke? What are you two doing with the crown and the scepter?" I asked.

"We wanted them so we took them." Briar said.

"You of all people should understand that Em." Rorie said. Well, I did steal Leo from Briar. And there was one other time. "Remember when we were on the Isle?" Rorie said. I forgot all about that.


When we were trapped on the Isle I may have stolen food from Rorie. A couple times. I was young! I wanted to survive! Sort of. I mostly did it because Eddie wouldn't eat. He wouldn't even eat any of the food I magiced up and I knew Rorie was getting food from Auradon. He would've died if I hadn't. On the Isle Ammy, the girls, and I did all sorts of crazy things and got into all kinds of mischief and other fun things. Before I knew she was my sister.

November 1, 2036 2:00 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

Braid bent down and touched the crystal. She was about to use the scepter.

"Wait! Girls! Don't use that!" I yelled panicked.

"We thought you liked spells." Briar said. I tried to reason with them.

"QUIET!" Rorie yelled. You always said you were going to give the crown to us! You went back on your word. And Auradon turned its back on us." She said. They turned to almost walk away.

"Now, it's time for a little payback." Briar said.

"Girls, wait!" I called. They used the scepter on me. They laughed evilly. After the pink puff of smoke I realized I had only a few of my powers. They then blasted me again. I hit the wall hard. There were trees around so it opened the scar on my left eye. It was bleeding bad.


The guard number was AT LEAST doubled, AGAIN! The Secret Warriors and Shuri were watching my every move. It's made me so anxious I thought I was going to start having anxiety attacks. AGAIN! Wasn't easy to shake them off my trail, mostly since they had Gwen and she knew ALL my tricks. I shook them by climbing on a tall tree. Super easy to climb with my spider powers. I used to swing on vines at HYDRA. It was so much fun climbing in cat from to get up, branch by branch. I threatened to jump off if they didn't let me enjoy my ride alone. They eventually gave in, but not before Shuri promised she'd help me with some minor suit technological advances issues after I was done with my ride.

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