Part 45 Beauty's Reunion

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On Beauty's birthday we got a surprise visit. I was playing with Beauty. He was prancing in a circle around me.

"Hello, can I talk to the owner of the property?" He asked.

"He's inside, in his office." I told him as I stroked Beauty. About a half hour later he walked towards the pasture with Dad.

"Can we see Duchess a minute?" Dad asked. I nodded and motioned for them to follow me. I led them to the stables. I grabbed her halter.

"Yep that's She-Shêtân. I saw her on television. And some nice lady told me where to find her. How soon can she come home?" The man said.

"What?" I questioned.

"This is Abru Aamer and he's the real owner of Duchess. I've seen the documents." Dad said. I was reluctant to give her up, but it was proven. I saw the documents. He walked faster to her than she's ever let anyone but me.

"Can I have a few moments alone with her first?" I asked. He nodded. I was bawling and hugged her long neck. I put my favorite hair ribbon on her purple bridle. "I, Emerald Malia Malory solemnly swear that someway or somehow we'll be together again. And that I'll take good care of Beauty." I promised.

"I know you will. My time with you has been the best experience of my life." She said. She licked my neck. Dad came in later.

"She saved my life, Dad." I said.

"I know how you feel." He said.

"No you don't." I bark looking at him at don't. I look back at my horse. "You should go, Father." I didn't brake eye contact with Duchess at all as I spoke. Soon enough it was time for her to go.

"Every time she acts up spray this. It's lavender, she just loves it. And her favorite brush. So, she has something to remember me by. Well, that's everything." He nodded. I was allowed to put her in the trailer myself for a final goodbye. Mostly, because she wouldn't let anyone else do it. She acted up when his people tried.

"Shh." I shushed her. "Hey, your okay, Duchess." I whispered to her.

"Your going to be okay. Please don't forget about me." I sob. I kissed her muzzle. She hugged me with her long, glorious neck. I locked the trailer. She called out a goodbye to me. She stomped in the trailer. I ran after the car. I gave up after I got to the gate. I collapsed crying. I had never been more angry with my family. And Beauty was simply devastated. It took a while for him to get over her, but I never did.

December 25, 2035 10:00 A.M. Arabian Village, Saudi Arabia

Emmy's POV

Leo, Ruby, and I decided to take Beauty, Claudia, and Eddie to go get Duchess. Surprisingly Ruby didn't know much about living of the land. Even I didn't mind sleeping on a dirty ground. I could sleep anywhere. Even on a pile of thorns.

"This is it. I know it anywhere. I've been here before." I said. We finally found her home in Arabia. We found out that her owner had died and Duchess was willed to his daughter. She decided to to... put her down. He fell off Duchess and hit his head badly. I was wearing Ruby's old body armor and mask.

December 25, 2035 10:05 A.M. Arabian Village, Saudi Arabia

Emmy's POV

"Duchess?" I say. As I ran my horse galloped towards me. I was grateful that she recognized my scent after all these years. "Ha ha! Duchess!" We made it back to each other. After what felt like decades. I jumped and hugged the neck of my horse tightly. She just knew it was me.

"I missed you so." She started to hug me with her neck tightly. I took my mask off. She licked my cheek

"Emmy!" She said gently and happily.

"Yes, it's me. Oh, Gods, I thought I'd never see you again!" I said almost crying. I buried my face in her neck. Than I remembered something important. "Oh Gods. I can't believe I forgot. BLACK BEAUTY! YOU GET OVER HERE AND MEET YOUR MOTHER! NOW!" Beauty knew I meant it. I NEVER ordered him to do anything before. Beauty came slowly over.

"Come on. Come on." I motioned towards Duchess as I spoke. He hugged his mother by going above the fence. She licked his coat.

"You look so much like your father, my son." Duchess said. I translated it for Ruby. I saw someone coming. I was scared of losing her.

"I promise there will be time for heartfelt reunions later. Right now we gotta get you out of here Duch." I said. I put on my mask and unlatched the door. She ran. I noticed so many other sad animals. They all gave me the puppy dog eyes. I'm powerless against cuteness. "We can't just leave them here. We have to get them out of here." I let them out too.

"Come in close." I teleported them all to my secret animals sanctuary. Using a very uncomfortable, very draining way of transportation for kids of the Underworld, Shadow Travel. I had to make sure all of the animals not directly touching me were touching another that was. I collapsed. Duchess had already run away. I knew we'd find her waiting for us. "I finally did it. I can shadow travel." I had my chin on the ground as I spoke. When we ran into the daughter of Duchess's previous owner we found out she actually we willed to me.

"There was a error in my father's will. She-Shêtân is willed to you." Taahira said.

'Yes. Thank the Gods!' I thought. That meant she couldn't do anything to her without my word legally.

December 25, 2035 4:00 P.M. Arabian Village, Saudi Arabia

Emmy's POV

I met up with my horse and got my mom's private plane to take us home. I can't teleport over a long distance more than once. And Beauty couldn't fly us over that distance, even if I gave his mother wings. On the way home I told them everything. Ruby wasn't thrilled to hear I was friends with a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, but she took it better than I thought. She actually took it a little better than I did to be exact. To be fair, she lied to me. I DON'T like liars. And she was also upset about the mission. Still, she took it better than assumed. Especially after I told her everything I told Daisy.

"I'm a little upset, I'll admit. But she'll only be with you when you visit her. Just remember where you came from when your around her. Promise?" She said.

"I promise." I told her. I went to check on the two of them. They were just fine. I went in and fell asleep.

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