Part 51 Cotilion

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The Johnson Family was frozen, just like Amber, only longer.

October 31, 2036 1:00 A.M. Enchanted Forest, Auradon

Emmy's POV

Today was Halloween. Brings back so many happy memories. I remember my Halloweens at HYDRA. One of THE BEST days of the year.


Ruby always, ALWAYS had missions on Halloween. Whenever she got home I'd tackle her, we'd wrestle a little, and we'd nuzzle each other. When Ruby took me out, we would play tricks on each other. She would place traps in front of her and I had to make it to her. That was mission prep. One year she pulled the fallowing car trick. I was so scared I started swinging on vines to get away. Stopping only to catch my breath. I saw a shadowy figure get out of the car and screamed.

"GOT YA!" She shouted. She laughed. I was so angry when I found it was Ruby. I thought the car took her.

"THAT WASN'T FUNNY, RUBY!" I yelled from the tree. She hugged me tightly when I came down from my tree. I sighed happily. After that, every year we would always play tricks on anyone we saw. We always dressed up as my favorite Halloween legend, the Headless Horseman. The story goes a teacher went to a village and that night ran into a mounted headless villain, searching for a new head, and the teacher was never heard from again. All they found was a smashed pumpkin by the church of the town. We'd scare them so bad, they forgot ALL of their candy. As soon as we were home, we would stuff ourselves silly.


The next day we'd train to lose the extra weight. If I was caught eating anything with carbs, like ice cream, she'd make me do the obstacle course for the dogs. I made sure to get caught every year. The year she pulled the car trick on me, we lost the weight by renovating HYDRA. Ruby and I karate chopped one of the walls down. She even taught me to use a sludge hammer. Ha. Oh yeah. Good times.

October 31, 2036 1:02 A.M. Enchanted Forest, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"Noting like a early morning ride to start a big day. I'm right, huh Beauty." I asked.

"Agreed, Emm." Replied Beauty. Beauty and I were on our way back from our Stargazing early morning ride when Headwig the snowy owl joined us.

"Welcome to the party Headwig." I said as we galloped. She greeted me. "Morning Jess." I said as I galloped still.

"Want to race to the lake and back?" I asked as I galloped still.

"You know it kid!" She said.

"Let's go Beauty." I said. We won!

"Good game Emm!" She said.

"Good game Jess." I said. We we gently bumped our chests together in a hugging way.

"I came here to tell you, I'm going on one of my tours." She said.

"That's great." I said.

"This time I might not come back. Just know I love you, and this is really hard for me." She said.

"This could be really good for your biking career. I know that it might mean saying goodbye, but I got your back. I love you, but I'm not going to hold onto you and hold you back from your dream." I said.

"What did I ever do to deserve to have you as my friend?" She asked. "Oh that reminds me. I have a birthday present, form me to you." She said. She handed me a gorgeous picture from the day we met.

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