Part 14 Big Heroing Mistake

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(Pictures of Ruby Hale from Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 5).

April 8 2023 9:00 A.M. Ghost Spider's Training Room, New York City

Emmy's POV

Training has been going on for 5 days then. I wanted some action. On the bright side a few people knew about me as Song Spider. They started a rumor that I find lost people with my voice. They also started another rumor that when I was near you could see smog clear and then see the stars shine like diamonds. I personally proved to Gwen that it was true. Behind the mask Ghost Spider is Gwen Stacy, Captain Stacy's of the NPD (New York Police Department) daughter and a woman in her early 20s. She had only just reveled her identity.

"Look up doofus." She said.

"Wow, Gwen, you're the Ghost Spider?" I asked. I was shocked. "This... is... AWSOME!" We started training for the day. We started with me trying to gently get her. I tried to shoot her with my webs. Three times. She dodged all three with ease.

"Missed again!" She said.

"No fair you keep flipping around!" I said.

"Fine Hawkeye, hit this." She said. I tried hitting a target. "No, no, no!" She still managed to dodge my webs even though she was speaking. "Emmy are you even looking right now?" She ran away slowly as she asked me. Probably to tease me.

"Try this." A drown flew up and I tried to hit it. I eventually came to the assumption that I had to anticipate where the drone will be. I got it, but I was majorly out of breath and slipped. "Impressive." She took off the mask and hugged my neck. I laughed. We moved onto hitting an apple off her head.

"What's next?" I asked.

"Take the apple." She said. I shot webs at the apple as it was moved as she said what she spoke next. "Better... Better... ish." I shot my webs at the apple as she spoke.

"Just hold still!" I said.

"Duh. You can't ask a villain to stay put. You gotta- Woah." The apple fell as she said woah. I caught it.

"Got it." I said. I smiled as I took a bite. She laughed a little. 

"Haha." She said as she climbed back down. "Nice." She gave me a thumbs up as she spoke.

"Hey, Gwen," I said.

"Yeah Emms?" She asked. Emms or Kid was her nickname for me.

"I was thinking about, maybe, could you, maybe take me on your next patrol?" I asked. I asked the last part quickly with the hopes that she wouldn't understand me. And to get it off my chest as quick as possible. She just laughed.

"You've only been training for 5 days. It took me a year to prefect my powers enough to go on patrols. You got talent, but it isn't enough. It isn't easy to control these powers. Your going to need a LOT more time." She said. I was bummed.

"Could I, maybe, go get a little fresh air?" I asked.

"Sure Emms. Have fun." She said. She started a little training of her own. What she didn't know was I was planning to go on a little city patrol myself.

April 8 2023 9:30 A.M. National Bank, New York City

Emmy's POV

"NOTHING'S GOING ON, WHERE'S ALL THE ACTION?" I asked myself aloud. "I should just head back." I said aloud. I was SO BOARD! I was about to do just that when I smelled the same smell I did 5 days ago. I noticed a bank robbery and I quickly got changed into my new spider girl suit. I made it to look a lot like Gwen's but the inside of my hood was purple instead of dark pink. That, along with the fabric surrounding the eyes. And the suit was black instead of white. Thanks to Evie, I've been making dresses before I could talk. I could make a dress in my sleep. I have. My Spider suit. I shot a web at the person who was obviously the leader of the gang and I started fighting with my own two hands.

April 8 2023 9:50 A.M. National Bank, New York City

Emmy's POV

I lost the fight. I was tided to the point on the top of the bank. I realized when I was fighting them that instead of cash in their bag had dynamite. They were going to destroy the roof of the National Bank!

'This is all my fault. Why didn't I listen to Gwen? Why didn't I call Gwen for help? She's the one whose more experienced with these things! Now people are going to get hurt. I failed her.' I thought to myself. I looked down then at them. "You're all crazy. There's families inside of this bank." the only good part was that I was still in my suit with my face covered. They did not answer. I closed my eyes and tried to summon Gwen. My brain kind of sometimes acts like a SOS, when I concentrate on the one I want to call. When Gwen did arrive, it was with a team of super heroes that all looked about Gwen's age.

"Help everyone inside first." The person that looked like the leader of the group that I later knew as Quake said. I couldn't find myself able to teleport. Gwen got me free. She jumped back as the building came apart with us on opposite sides.

"Emmy, jump!" She said.

"JUMP! FROM THIS HIGHT!" I yelled. "ARE YOU INSANE?" I yelled.

"Don't to worry, I'll catch you." She told me. I did what she said but it wasn't till I heard a high pitched whistle and went wolf. As sudden as it came, it ended. As I changed back I fell off the edge. I ended up braking arm by hitting it on the building just before she caught me, but barley. I was knocked out from pain and from hitting my head to. Ended up with a bad concussion.

April 9, 2023 1:30 A.M. 2023 New York Children Hospital, NewYork City

Emmy's POV

I woke up hours later. Gwen was furious that I didn't listen to her about the patrols. She was calm at first.

"What were you thinking? People could've gotten hurt. WE ONLY JUST MET AND ALREADY YOU'RE GETTING ON MY NERVES!" She said.

"I don't know what I was thinking. I just saw the bank robbery and went for it." I said. She was disappointed in me, but I didn't need that. I was already disappointed in myself.

"Did you know that those people work for Egg Head, the Spiders number 1 enemy?" She asked assertively.

"No." I said, disappointed in myself.

"Before you go jumping into dangerous situations, YOU HAVE TO THINK AND OBSERVE!"  She said assertively.

"I'm so sorry Gwen. I'll never make this mistake again, I promise." I said.

"No you won't, you cannot. I'm sorry but I can't allow you to be my partner anymore. Quite frankly I never should have. Your a child. You don't know these things. It's just to dangerous." She said sympathetically. Dad came and picked me up. And that was the last time I would see her for years.

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