Part 39 Family Day

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February 25, 2035 3:00 P.M. Auradon Prep My Dorm Room, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I was on the phone with my dad.

"I understand. Yes, I'll let Fairy Godmother know. Love you guys too. Okay... bye." I said. I laughed at okay. Turns out Mom and Dad were stuck at a new country they were at for the past week WITH AMMY no less to hopefully form a new alliance for the kingdom and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. I wouldn't have gone, even if my mother threatened me. She always turns it into a date between me and some rich prince, no matter how many times I say...

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" to both my mother and the prince. I ALWAYS end up running away and something bad ALWAYS happens.


First time was a a month ago then. I was kidnapped after one huge, HUGE mistake. The prince nearly raped me. He just got us alone, roofied me, cornered me after drugging me, and stuck his hands and lips... everywhere.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" I screamed after a while. I felt threatened so I may've... bitten him. Then slapped him. He wouldn't leave me alone, so I played innocent, so he would get closer to me. When he did. I stepped on his foot, hard, jabbed him in the ribs, and jerked back my head. "Hmph." I said walking away with my head held high. Thank the Gods it wasn't even close to my first time. Having sex, not being rapped. I started when I turned 15. When you're ready you're ready. I couldn't wait another year. It was my first time being rapped. I ran away.

"Emmy, what happened in there?" Mom asked. I grabbed onto my bag and left, without a word. "Emmy!" Mom called. I slammed the room doors. I DIDN'T SPEAK TO HER FOR WEEEKS! When I was upset with someone I could go anywhere from days to years without talking to them. And now I know to carry protection with me! EVERYWHERE I GO! I was kidnapped, muzzled, and brought to an abandoned factory. With surroundings that could give my kick a real power boost. That was their first mistake. I didn't see who they were or whom they were working for.

"What? You think it's the first time I've been muzzled?" I laughed evilly. I burned my way out and we engaged in combat. I spotted a rope, jumped onto it, swung, and kicked them all in the mouth. I breathed heavily. I hated it when I had to do something like that. I only fight when I feel like when someone I love or when I feel threatened. I banged the lock open with my fist. I knelt down and checked all of their pulses. They were all still alive. One was still awake. I walked to him.

"Eyes up. Look at me." I ordered. "I want you to remember this." He struggled to get up.

"Next time," I said. I got out my chakram. "it's your boss. And I won't use my fists and legs." I tapped it.

"So I'd be smart where you hold me hostage if I were you. I knocked him out with a single punch. He wouldn't remember anything, but that from that day. I threw a protection potion. Then a small bomb. I walked out without looking back.

February 25, 2035 3:01 P.M. Auradon Prep My Dorm Room, Auradon

Emmy's POV

Even though I had no control over where they were and what they were doing, I was really bummed. They did tell me they loved me and were sorry.

'Today is family day.' I thought to myself. 'And my entire family is going to miss it. Guess I'm going to have to go it alone. I've done most things that way. Why should today be any different? They did promise but eventually they end up break most of their promises to me. I should be used to it by now.' But this was the kind of thing you never get used to. I didn't mean I didn't know they were busy. They had an entire kingdom to protect. But, on the other hand, Dad once told me Auradon has a history of protecting itself. I was busy too. With school... and Ammy decided to turn down the thrown and go back to the Isle. She decided Auradon wasn't were she belonged, mainly because she couldn't handle the pressures of being a Queen ether. My parents threw a farewell party for Ammy. It was one of the biggest parties of the year, besides Mom's Welcome home party. And our parents wedding that Audrey and I painstakingly planed to a t. It was so beautiful even I cried. Of course I denied it. I'm supposed to be the tough one. This is what they looked like:

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