Part 44 Apologies & Making Amends

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December 24, 2035 10:00 P.M. the Enchanted Lake, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I rode all the way to the Enchanted Lake. I got off Beauty, ran to the edge of the pavilion, and buried my face in my arms and legs, sobbing an ocean. I wanted to die there. I just laid there, hugging Eddie for what felt like hours. I was having a complete mental breakdown.

'I'll never see her again. Ruby died in vain and it was all my fault. If only I could see her. Even just for a minute so I could make amends for those horrible things I said. All the horrible things I've said.' I thought and started bawling.

December 24, 2035 11:55 P.M. the Enchanted Lake, Auradon

Ruby H's POV

She finally found me! I'd been camping at the Enchanted Lack for a year. I'd know my girl anywhere. Even if it's been... how long has it been? I've felt like I've been asleep for... again, how long has it been? How I longed to run to her and hug my best friend. How I longed to hold her in my arms again. How I longed to find out everything that I missed. How I longed for us to be together again. I picked up a pebble and threw, then another, and another. I didn't stop till she cracked. And that took 5 minutes. I see she was just as stubborn as ever, so happily, she never changed.

December 25, 2035 12:00 A.M. the Enchanted Lake, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"GO A-WAY!" I ordered. Someone's had been gently throwing pebbles at me for 5 minutes straight. "Y QUIENQUIERA QUE SEAS, DEJA DE ENCONTRAR PEBBLES EN MI!" Spanish for AND WHOEVER YOU ARE, STOP THROWING PEBBLES AT ME!'

"Ahh, but I'm enjoying myself." I heard the voice I longed to hear for years say. Pronounced like aww. I move my head up an inch.

"Ruby!" I mouth. I thought I was crazy.

"I don't get out much. And you do seem to look like someone I use to know." She said. I looked up. It was Ruby! It was really her! I started sobbing, not of sadness, of pure joy. At that point, something I hadn't felt in quite some time. I got up and ran to her, not caring if I would fall and break every bone in my body. She charged at me.

'Ruby! I'm coming, Ruby!' I thought happily. When I reached her, I shrunk myself and I leaped into her arms. She twirled me around. I grew back to my normal size and hugged her tight as soon as she put me down. We left the hug. My other favorite person in the world—along with Leo—was finally right in front of me. We were both leaking happy tears. She slackly reached out to my face. I put my check in the hand I longed to feel for so long. We kneeled down and I embraced her as tightly as I could with a gigantic smile on my face. She embraced me back equally as tightly. I don't think neither of us hugged that tightly before.

"I've missed you so, Pipsqueak." She whispered in my ear. I started sobbing. "Hey, hey, what's wrong Blades? You can tell me, what's wrong?" She said ever so gently with her other nickname for me. She was always there for me and gentle with me, no matter how many times I screwed up. Or what I did.

"You can trust me with anything, no matter how much it hurts. We're a team. A well oiled machine." I couldn't breathe all of a sudden. "It's Ruby. Trust me."

"I missed you too, Rings. Everyday, but I gotta admit you were a HUGE dummy to use that machine! TWICE! And a real, incarcerate jerk. Did you ever think about the consequences of using that thing? AGAIN!" I said assertively using my nickname for her. I dropped down on my hands and knees, sobbing. "I'm so sorry. For all those awful things I said. If I was just there for you maybe I could've prevented you from- It's just, not a day passed that I didn't miss you, and you came for me."

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