Part 19 First Days at HYDRA

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December 26, 2023 8:00 A.M. HYDRA Base, 600 Miles From Auradon

Ruby's POV

I looked into the room Emmy was using. I wanted to see her, make sure she was ok. And she wasn't there.

'Have the Mechs scan the perimeter. If she isn't anywhere around she's made her choice.' I decided. I met up with my mechs. "Scan the permitter."

December 26, 2023 8:00 A.M. HYDRA Base, 600 Miles From Auradon

Emmy's POV

I got a ride on Flicka in before I went to eat. She acted crazy, like she was scared of me.

"What's gotten into-" I asked her. She showed me where Amber hit her. I gasped out in horror. "Oh my gods. She knows you hate the whip. I'm gonna kill her." That was all she needed to hear. She invited me up on her back. I climbed up and off we went. It was fun.

December 26, 2023 8:55 A.M. HYDRA Base, 600 Miles From Auradon

Emmy's POV

I was eating breakfast when I saw Ruby next. Looked like she was looking for me. I got her attention by eating.

"I thought about what you said and I decided I want to be on your team. But we both know nothing in this world comes for free. So, I'll help you get the recognition and power you seek, for something I seek." I told her.

"1, how do you know about those things, we barely know each other?" She asked.

"I could feel it." I said.

"Noted. And 2 Stubborn and isolated?" She said half joking, half questing. I laughed. I actually was surprised that she acted like sensing emotions in people you barely know is a normal thing. While looking down, laughing, and shaking my head.

"No." I said looking up. "Tough and determined." I got up.

"So what do you say? My help along with my magic's help in exchange for the training. Deal?" I held my hand out to her as I said deal.

"Deal." She said. We shook on it. "Fair warning, I don't go easy and I'm ruthless in the training arena." She continued.

"Warning taken. That IS what I expected. Nothing in my life is easy. My future step mother makes me dance and sing until midnight." I said. One of and currently THE reason I hated her, well thought I hated her. Apart the fact that she is awful to me, deep, deep, DEEEEEP down I really wanted her to be proud of me.

"Before anything happens I'll have to call my dad, let know were I am, and that I want to stay." She smiled gently.

"Shall we get started?" Ruby asked after that conversation was done. 

"We shall. The future is ours!" I replied.

December 26, 2023 8:00 P.M. HYDRA Base, 600 Miles From Auradon

Emmy's POV

At first I was pretty lousy with the punching bag. I even fell in mud when we took training outside. Everyone and I mean EVERY~ONE laughed. IT WAS HUMIL~IATING.

"Alright! Get up!" Ruby said. She held out her hand and helped me to my feet when I took it. "You're hesitating. You know the moves, punches, and techniques, but you're not attacking. Remember, the point is to hurt your opponent, not you." Ruby said. Like she said she was not a gentle soul in the training area. She was pushing me to the limits. Pushing my body to physical perfection. She was allowing me no sleep.

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