Part 56 Italian Road Trip

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January 25, 2038 6:30 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"Clothes, check. Swimsuit, check." I said aloud. What? You never know when you'll need a swimsuit. Or a vet kit. "Claudia's, Eddie's, and Thunder's travel cages, check. Form for horse transportation for Beauty, his family, Ginger, and Duchess, check. Chakram, check. Ok that's everything I need. Oh wait. Almost forgot my laptop." I said still aloud. My mom never lets me be further than a few feet away from a device that can make a call. It's ether that or the guards, which would you've picked? Clara's taking me on a RV camping trip to Italy to live with her until the tryouts in May. And while my mom is going to try to make Sithicus, a few... hundred miles off Auradon's coast, a new trading partner for Auradon. It's for therapy purposes after the mental torture right before the Jewel~Bliee. It's supposed to help me with all my past trauma. Also, while Charlotte is visiting with her family. (My magic is driving while she gives it directions). She's never seen me ride in a competition and this might be her last chance, so she wants to make it up to me. Charlotte also is going to see me ride because of the same reason. Also they thought I needed a destresser.

"I'm all packed." I said.

"Great! Lets get this show on the road." Clara said. Mom gave me a ginormous hug. She wouldn't let me go, especially when I let her go.

"Mom, you can let go now." I said.

"Sorry, I can't do that! I'm just going to miss you so much." Mom said, still hugging me. I blushed. I escaped.

"Mom, I'm 18 now." I said. Char gave me a HUGE HUGE hug. Hugging is her ways of saying goodbye for now, I'll miss you, and I love you. to me. "I'll miss you too. Goodbye Char." I said still in the hug.

January 25, 2038 7:30 A.M. Road to Italy, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"This is a major relief. Trust me. Amber's been at it. AGAIN! Ever since the Jewel-Bilee. It's so bad I've been seeing her crazy eyes. She only uses those when she goes really crazy, hence the name. She's been using a different instrument each night to wake me up if I drift to sleep. She's been wanting me to audition for the original Corny Collins. I mean Jr. was stressful enough. I've been rocking myself to sleep for the gods sake. I'm so desperate, I got Leo to give me a hickey about two weeks ago. That did NOT go well with Amber. She lost it. And she's the one who told her mom not to 'have a cow' if she ever got a hickey." I told Clara.

"Oh Blossom, you're over reacting." She said. I showed her a video of me dozing off and then getting woken up by a GIANT pair of tambourines. That really really hurt my ears.

"Am I Rose? Am I?" I questioned loudly.

"Ok. Never mind." She said. It was going to be amazing to be in a separate country from Amber. I was super excited to see Margret and Fabrizio again. I took out Audrey's perfume she gave me as an acceptance present for getting into Vet School. I sprayed a little on me. I thought about Audrey and Char.

'I'll see Char tonight when she says her words.' I thought to myself. I was super excited to see Leo. He went away to Italy for a performance of Grease, my favorite musical. He's playing Sandy's boyfriend, Danny. Even with Amber taking all the fun out of performing, I always wanted to perform as Sandy. I already played Gabriela from High School Musical, Anne from the Greatest Showman, Annie from Annie, and Esmerelda from The Hunchback of Noter Dame. Or any other of the characters, but Sandy has always been my first choice of any character in the world I could play. It's the only way Amber can get me back in theater.

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