Part 57 Ruby's Coronation Story

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May 25, 2038 6:30 P.M. Jr. Olympics Competition, Italy

Emmy's POV

Beauty and I had a killer run at the tryouts in Italy.

"The final winner of the Auradon spots on the Olympic Show Jumping Team is... Emerald Malia Malory on Black Beauty. With a record breaking time of 10 minutes 55 seconds! Which means... she's the youngest person to ever make the team!" The announcer said. I screamed quietly to avoid spooking Beauty. Everyone I knew was there, to hug me when I dismounted. When I say everyone, I mean everyone I knew. Ruby picked me up and threw me.

"Em~my! Em~my!" Everyone chanted over and over again. I couldn't help but laugh as I was thrown. Jess was there to! Liz and James Rodgers came too. It was amazing to see them again. It was the proudest moment of my life. They asked me to give a speech. Luckily, I had something special prepared. On a DVD.

"Pride... something to be earned. Where I came from, pride was something not easily attained. It was earned. Nothing in my life came easy. Hi, I'm Emerald Malia Malory and the one thing I was always sure about is that I wanted a career that had something to do with animals. And I've never been more proud to be me. Seeing how my entire family was proud of me, was... the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you! Thank you for always being there for me, especially when I couldn't see you. Thank you for sticking with me in the good and bad times. When I wasn't doing well, you were always there to cheer me on. But most of all, thank you for believing in me. Mom and Dad you're the stand-buyers who always stood by my side. Ruby Hale, you're the fighter who took me in when nobody else would. Gwen, you're the teacher that taught me so much. Liz, you're the fire that was always there to keep me going, even when I didn't want to move. And when I couldn't see you. Kat and Nick, your the lovers who fist taught me what love is. Beth, your the clever detective who could always make me smile, no matter how down I was. Kayla, you're the friendly smile that encourages me to do more. Chelsea, you're the photographer that made me believe in myself. Charlotte, your the supporter who I could talk to about anything with. Taylor, your the singer who was always there to cheer me on. Jess, you're the teammate I could always rely on. Clara, you're the understander who ALWAYS knew exactly how I felt. The one who could ALWAYS understand me. Holly, you're the mischievous friend I could be myself around. Sophie, you're the business woman that I could talk to about stress with and understand it. Cher, you're the giver that always helped me. Bekah, you're the pageant queen who gave me my love of music. Lizzie and James you were the smarties that were always there for me. Leo, your the lover who taught me love is something worth fighting for. Ammy, Audrey, Ruby, Rorie, and Briar, you all are my siblings no one could replace, because you were always by my side. And last but not least Amber, you were the tough one to impress that gave me the understanding that pride is something you have to earn. I know you only were hard on me because you knew I could do better. I love all you guys. You all made me the fighter I am today! Thank you!" I said. Everyone cheered.

May 25, 2038 7:30 P.M. Jr. Olympics Competition, Italy

Emmy's POV

"Sh sh, Ruby here she comes. You remember how this works, right? We haven't done this in a while." I said. She nodded. We decided to camp on the grounds. Ruby and I were on the roof of the arena. We were about to pull my other favorite prank on Mom.

"Emmy? Emmy?" Mom called. Luckily, Clara was literally nowhere in sight.

"Help me!" I screamed. I heard her running closer. I played road kill as Kayla called it. Ruby told Mom "what happened." She told her I fell while swinging on a rope because I "lost control" of the rope. "GAH!" She fell back, but caught herself. We laughed so hard.

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