Part 24 Call to HYDRA

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January 6, 2025 8:15 P.M. My Room at Dad's Cottage, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"Hi Ruby. How are things at HYDRA?" I asked.

"It's good, but it's been boring without you here. I wish your father would let you stay here again." She said.

"You and me both. He says 'you're behavior is rubbing off on me' and not in a good way. He won't let me near you, even after I told him that you saved my life that time with the poachers, remember?" I said. She nodded.


About a year ago, HYDRA was invaded by poachers. Eventually they found me and wanted to use me to get to Ruby. Their hope was to eliminate her and her mother in order to take control of the organization. Probably for the weapons and gear that HYDRA has. Ruby found me with a knife right up against my throat. She nodded. I made the same nodding gesture indicating that I knew what she meant. I stepped on the guys foot, jabbed ferociously at his right rib, and put my chakram to his neck. Ruby saw he was about to pull out a gun.

"Emmy stand down!" She said. I wouldn't and ignored her.

"NO ONE hurts MY family with out paying the toll." I said.

"EMMY STAND DOWN! THAT'S AN ORDER!" She screamed. He raised the gun. She tossed her chakram and it killed him to protect me. It cut me just a little.

"What has gotten into you, disobeying me like that when you knew I was serious?" She never spoke that assertively to me. I said nothing. I was majorly disappointed in myself. I ran into her arms crying.

"It's ok. I just... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. So please. No more disobeying me if you can sense the urgency in my voice, ok?" I nodded, but said nothing.

January 6, 2025 8:20 P.M. My room in Dad's Cottage, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"It's just not fair. He knows that I believe I belong at HYDRA. And he knows being with you and my horses at HYDRA is the one thing that makes me happy. Oh and speaking of horses I found this new wild Arabian, an Arabian is a horse breed. Her names Black Duchess. She is amazing. When I tried to gentle her, she just gave in on the first try. Plus she showed no resistance to the halter ether." I said.

"Wow. Amazing. How's Claudia? Oh and how is the step mother of doom treating you?" She said.

"Claudia is great. I put a spell on her so she stays little until she has puppies. When they don't need her as much the spell will start to take effect again, unless she doesn't want it to. Want to see her?" I said.

"Yes. Yes I do." She said.

"Give me a sec." I said. I flipped the camera. (The picture is what I showed her).  I swore she only played like this because she knew Ruby was on the phone.


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"Awww. Just as adorable as I remembered." She said. I nodded.

"As for Amber, she is being worse than she's ever been. She's even brought out her crazy eyes. She only uses those when she gets really crazy. Hence the name. She has me singing from 8 to 10 P.M. and dancing from 10:30 P.M. till 3 A.M. What with the big contest coming up, she's only letting me sleep 30 minutes per day. Only more if I sleep in. She wouldn't let me drop out, but on the bright side she said that if I do this and I win she will be very pleased. So pleased she'll let me quit the show and go back to live permanently at HYDRA." I said.

"I'm sorry about the eye thing. And you trust her?" Ruby said.

"Hey don't worry about it. And I really want to believe her, but no. Then again, now that I hear it aloud, I realize she's not much of a liar. She's never been big on lying. If she catches you lying you're in big trouble. She is like a lie detector. I found that out the hard way." I said. Amber slapped me when she found out I been lying about the whole secret annual ice cream donation to the Isle I do.

"I see." Ruby said. "Well let me know how it goes Emms. I gotta go. Training. I know, right?" I nodded. 

"I will Rubs. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Ruby said.

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