Part 54 Christmas With Family

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December 24, 2037 6:00 P.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

"T minus 30 minutes before everyone gets here people so let's get everything ready. Haha. RIGHT NOW!" I said. It's 6 hours till I turn 18 and I was really stressing. I don't even like my birthday. To me it's a painful reminder of the day I lost everything. Ruby and my life at HYDRA. Then Gwen. Still, would have been A LOT worse if my mom's family curse kicked in. On the birthday of a descendant of Maleficent, they turn more evil than all the worst of the worst combined, but it doesn't work on me. Entirely. I just get LOTS of stress headaches every year. The headaches are mostly because Mom spends a LOT of time with me on my birthday. I would normally be excited to spend time with her, but she babies me a LOT. She watches me constantly though out the day, giving me hugs and kisses, which gets me super stressed. I'm paranoid, remember? And that causes me to act a little finicky and obsessive. "I have the schedule right here. After everyone gets here, will do a little karaoke. Next, a trial ride. Last, spa day. So let's go go go." I said clapping my hands together. Clara's, Margaret's, and Fabrizio's flight had just landed. A few old friends of my dads, Chelsea, Katherine or Kat, and Nicki were coming. Charlotte's family was on their way. Ruby and her mother were almost at the castle. Not going to lie, I was really nervous. Ruby's mom said she's spending to much time away from her responsibilities at HYDRA, so I might've not been allowed to see her anymore. In a way, this was to help her train in order to be the best leader for HYDRA. Gwen and her dad were coming to. The new VKs (which I didn't know about. Mom invited them), Beth, Bekha, Megan, Kayla, Will Cloud (Kayla's boyfriend), Ammy, Matthew, Malvin, Leo, Celia, Dizzy, Liz, The Parks, The Einsteins, Sophie, and Cher were coming too. In way Jess was coming. We were going to video chat at midnight. Sadly, Holly was busy. I spent the past 5 hours cooking, baking, and decorating that day with Lizzie and James Rogers, 2 old friends. We had flour fights while we baked. I thought I was going to sneeze flour for the next couple days. As said in the book of traditions. Hey, not all traditions are fun.

"Aaachoo." I sneezed. I was right, I did sneeze flour. Mom panicked when she thought I was sick. "I'm fine. I was just out early with Duchess and Beauty." I said.


"HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY, EMMY!" All my horses said when I went to see them and get Beauty for a ride. They even sang. Including Pegasus. Though I wouldn't call him a horse. It's offensive. Like If you say that again, you're dead and lash out offensive.

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