Part 26 Escape From Schoolcatraz

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May 15, 2025 11:59 A.M. Torture Island Academy, 10,000 miles from Auradon

Emmy's POV

I admit I've had a few tough years, but THIS WAS THE WORST YEAR SINCE THE INVENTION OF THE WORD... WORST! It would've been a little better if I had my weapons. I was forced to leave them at home. I'm just not my super confident self without my weapons. And I like to feel super capable of protecting myself. So, in that month alone I established a fear of horses, yes horses, extreme wind, tight and closed off spaces, high pitched noises, falling from heights, the fear I'm being watched constantly, and freshwater. I eventually got over most of these.


They used thing I loved most to break my rebellious spirit. They put me on a horse named Bucky, the academy's most well named horse. He bucked and bucked until I fell worse than ever. In front of everyone, and the internet. Woke up with a severe concussion and broken back.


The put pressure plates in the bedrooms. The room got smaller and smaller each day. Until some of the girls I shared a room with were crushed to death by the walls. They were not exactly 5, but they all magical beings, like me. So much magical blood! It was traumatizing. I'd heal the ones who weren't to damaged, but there was only so much I could do for most.


I would jump around the rooms.

"Can't catch me!" I'd call. They blew dog whistles at me at then beat me as the wolf. I'd growl loudly and snap at the air. Ruby and Rorie told me. I had the scars to prove their claims.


They installed cameras. Even in the bathroom. To see who was trying to escape.


They threw me off a cliff and tried drowning me in Crocodile Lake. They made me swim a kind of marathon on my first day and I got my back broken by the squid arm thing I mentioned.


I got the ability to control wind. When they found out they stuck me in the wind machine. As I was in the machine, I felt like I was been in torn apart. And they only treated me like a weapon, an object and turned it up. It was actually that very day.

May 15, 2025 12:05 P.M. Torture Island Academy, 10,000 miles from Auradon

Emmy's POV

I got the worst treatment possible. I was even stabbed in the back, literally by Satan, the devil himself, that very day. Still have the mark. I was caught by trying to protect a five year old from being whipped by holding my arm up for the whip to wrap around my arm. They tortured me for information about HYDRA.

"TELL US WHERE HYDRA IS OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!" The warden said. He held up a dagger to my face. I stayed mostly silent.

"You'll never get me to talk. My loyalties are too my friends and families, but I'd like to see you try." I challenged. The warden nodded. It was then I was slowly stabbed. I didn't cry, all I did was wince of pain. I never have shown weakness in front of those kinds of people. And I didn't plan on starting then.

May 15, 2025 12:07 P.M. Torture Island Academy, 10,000 miles from Auradon

Emmy's POV

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