Part 37 Gwen's Secret

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April 16, 2034 8:00 A.M. Gwen's House, New York City

Emmy's POV

"Gwen! Gwen! Gwen where are you?" I called. I had to do a project on a person I admired. I chose Ghost Spider. I decided to follow Gwen while she was doing hero work as Ghost Spider. She let me live with her until my project was done. I figured she was out being a hero for New York when I found a note saying...

With S.H.I.E.L.D. Be home tonight. Give yourself a hug for me Kiddo,


'S.H.I.E.L.D. has my friend!' I put on Ruby's old suit, with a few tech tweaks I programmed, of course. I set my chakram behind my hood as I always did. "Chakram. Check. Who knows-" I looked up and evilly laughed. "maybe I'll see that S.H.I.E.L.D Agent, Rodrearez and finally get my revenge." With that happy thought I left.

April 16, 2034 8:00 A.M. S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, New York City

Emmy's POV

I grabbed my chakrams and I cut a whole in the roof. My chakrams can cut through anything. Even bone. I shot one of my webs on the roof, dropped in upside down, flipped so I was right side up again, let myself fall down, and landed gracefully on my feet.

"Gwen! Gwen! Gwen are you here?" I called in a whisper. I couldn't get anything with the Spider Call. Spiders can communicate with each other. It's part of our powers. Spiders also have things that make them special, like Miles Morales turns invisible. But there are abilities we all share. I started walking in Ruby's old suit.

April 16, 2034 8:00 A

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April 16, 2034 8:00 A.M. S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, New York City

Emmy's POV

Eventually I came across Ruby's murderer.

'Ok Emerald. This is it, the moment Ruby trained you and you waited for 6 long, MIS-ERA-BLE years.' I thought to myself. I snuck my arm in a crack in the door and opened it just enough to be able to throw my chakram. Yo-Yo dogged it. I walked in.

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