Part 58 Coranation Ball

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July 25, 2038 2:00 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

I woke up on the day of my Carnation Ball to the sound of Lumiere nocking loudly.

"Princess Emmy! Princess Emmy, please wake up! You've got 1,000s of loads of paperwork that needs attention." He said. I did Liv's dramatic bed flop for dramatic effect. I pushed up.

"Lumiere, please. It's 2 A.M.!" I said dozing off. Leo woke up. Leo slept with me last night. We had quite a night. After a horseback ride to a little island off the cost of Auradon, we danced on the beach, and we kissed on the beach, and, as Sophie calls it, ... (a.k.a 'it' a.k.a... we had a little sex. Okay okay a lot of sex) with protection, of course. I was supposed to go to the Moors today with Eddie, Beauty, and Leo to check on the animals.

"It's ok. I'll take care of the animals while you're doing your paperwork." Leo said. We're both vets. He actually started 2 years ahead of me. We took extra classes together, so we could graduate together.

"You're a life saver. Literally. I love you. What would I do without you?" I said. I kissed him passionately. With a little moaning. 'Wow, did that feel good.' I thought. I stopped him about a few minutes later.

"I just had one of my best ideas. What if I could take the paperwork with me along with the food?" I said.

"That's a brilliant idea. That's my girl." He said.

"Thanks! You're my good luck charm. You and Pegasus." I said. We picked up where we left off. Eddie was barking like crazy.

"Aw love... blah!" He said. We laughed.

"What are you looking at Mr.?" I asked stroking his fur.

"You two are gross." He said.

"I said that about your parents. They told me what I'm about to tell you. One day this will be you." I said pointing to me and my fiancé, Leo.

"No way." He said. He got up and left.

"That's what I said!" I called after him.

July 25, 2038 2:02 A.M. Dad's Castle Kitchen, Auradon

Emmy's POV

We went to the kitchen and I made sure we were alone.

"Morning Mrs. Potts. Gotta head you know where. Remember, not a word to my mother about this." I said. She promised me with a nod and gave me the meat and berries. She was the only member of the castle staff who knows about one of the spots where I go to unwind. I only told her because she promised me to NEVER tell. Even if my mother ordered her, which she almost never did. ALMOST! She hated ordering people around.

July 25, 2038 2:05 A.M. Dad's Castle, Auradon

Emmy's POV

We went to the stables and we got Beauty and hitched him to the carriage.

"You're going to love this. Hold on tight." I said beside Beauty. I never told Leo Beauty was half Pegasus. Directly. I once told him he isn't a normal horse.

"To what and why?" He asked.

"You'll see. Beauty, let's fly." I said.

"Roger that." Beauty said. I never try to order around the animals. They only do things because they don't want to because it's really important to me or someone else close to me. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I've never done it around another human being. I look through my spell book. I gave him his wings with the spell I always used.

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