Part 43 the Underworld's Screech

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(Only watch till beginning of Do What You Gotta Do. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's the song).

December 24, 2035 9:00 P.M. Entrance to the Underworld, Isle of the Lost

Emmy's POV

As a relative of the god of death, I can access the Underworld wherever and whenever I wanted. Unfortunately, I found that out in an unfortunate way.


I went in to the Underworld to see Ruby the day after I moved into the castle. I got trapped and ended up in a cage.

"Let her go, Dad. That's Emmy." Mom said.

"DAD?" I yelled.

"EMMY? As in your daughter Emmy?" He asked. Mom nodded. He let me out. I looked at him, then, I ran. Deeper and deeper into the Underworld.

"Ruby! Are you here? Please, answer if you can hear me! I wanna talk to you!" I called. I searched for the next 3 hours. I dropped to the ground crying. I punched the ground once in fury and sadness.

"Oh, Sweetie." Mom said. I pushed away from her. I was sobbing. I ran away.

December 24, 2035 9:01 P.M. Entrance to the Underworld, Isle of the Lost

Emmy's POV

After I opened the ground way gate and Leo went inside the Underworld. He convinced me to stay put.

"Emmy, you need to rest." He said.

"I'll rest—" I said. "when we get my friends back." Even if he didn't stop me, I was of no use. I already called back Kevin, Gwen's old friend. One soul per person. That's the number 1 rule when it comes to these things. I was waiting, patiently I may add, when I heard an awful screech. I fell to the ground, breathing heavily. My eye widened in a beastly manner.

"Not again. Not now. Please not now!" I said looking at my hands. They turned long and pointy. I howled at the moon.


December 24, 2035 9:10 P.M. Entrance to the Underworld, Isle of the Lost

Leo's POV

"Emmy where are you? I got people behind me who want to see you." I said. Out of no were this savage looking beast came. She gently took my shirt in her jaws. I recognized her almost immediately. "Emmy!?" She threw me. She got really close to me then suddenly she backed up and started clutching her ears. When she stopped herself she was herself again. She was about to fall down a cliff. I ran to her and caught her just in time.

"Leo, what happened?" She asked weakened. I told her everything. She apologized.

"That's happened before." I heard Liz's voice say as she climbed out of the Underworld. She looked wide eyed. Like she was ready to cry.

December 24, 2035 9:15 P.M. Entrance to the Underworld, Isle of the Lost

Emmy's POV


"I missed you so much too kid!" They both said as I ran into their arms. Liz pulled me out of the hug to look at me.

"You got so big!" Liz added.

"LIZ! Cut it out! Your embarrassing me." I said jokingly. We all laughed. "I'm serious." It took a minute for Claudia to recognize me, but as soon as she smelled my familiar scent she whimpered and her tail was wagging. Claudia tackled me and started licking me all over my face.

"I missed you too girl." I said petting my dog. Eddie's and Claudia's reunion was a little different from mine with my mother. They were both shy at first, sniffed each other, and Claudia started licking him gently. Eddie even jumped on top of her.

"Where's Ruby?" I asked when Claudia and Eddie have been aquatinted. They all looked like they were hiding something from me. Something I didn't want to hear. "Come on. You don't mean she's... she's been-" They all nodded. Ruby was grave robbed. Her soul was stolen. And it was all my fault. I mounted Beauty and ran away crying. Ginger fallowed. I heard them call after me. I ignored them.

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