Part 10 A Tragic Event on the Isle of the Lost

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December 25 2021 4:10 A.M. The Isle Bridge, The Isle of the Lost

Emmy's POV

Everyone in Auradon was awake by then. We were about to leave the Isle after returning Maleficent home and then...

"It's Maleficent!" Evie said. We all looked back. "Stop the car! She's trying to escape!" Evie said. We all looked back to see Maleficent charging to the edge of the Isle. Everyone, but us got out of the car. Mom closed the door on us. 

"Girls, Stay in the car!" Mom ordered. Of course, we didn't listen and went out.

"Mom!" We called. She looked at us with teary eyes, kissed our foreheads, and muttered the words of 2 memory spells,

"I seek to long her memories behind a door, make her remember me no more." She said. Last she told Dad was... 

"Ben!" She said. He moved his eyes from us to her.

"Take care of them for me!" She said. She kissed him on the lips as if it were the last time she'd ever see him. We were very, VERY confused.

"What? Mom!" I said.

"Get behind me girls!" She ordered, shoving us behind her. Unfortunately, I soon realized that she meant she was going to confront her mom. She was about to surrender herself!

"Leave my family alone!" She breathed. "This is between you and me Mother! No one else! Not them, not Ben, or my friends! You want me? Then you're going to get me. I surrender!" She said, her eyes glowing a deep green. She turned into a dragon. Her magic was being drained as she roared out in pain. 

"Mom! No!"Ammy said. She hugged me and ran to join her. "I also surrender." I tried to stop them, but Dad held me back in his arms tightly.

"I'm not losing you too, not again." He screamed. I was crying.

"Dad, Let! Me! Go!" I shouted sobbing. Maleficent shot her scepter at my father and at my friends, Evie and Jay. Purple smoke flew around me. I turned into a hippogriff. She looked surprised. She shot the scepter at me. I was in pain.

"Come on, Emmy, blast her." Jay said. I finally was able to use my wings blow her back in. All of them.

"Are you okay?" Evie asked Jay. He nodded. I landed with my hand and knee on the hood of the car. I hoped down.

"Are you okay?" Evie asked.

"No! She was draining all my magic with that scepter and I felt all my powers slipping away!" I sobbed.

"You're safe. She's back where she belongs." Evie said looking at me, the Isle, then back. She was back in. The memory spell kicked in a minute later. I was then knocked out cold with a groan.

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