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Author's note:

Going through my book again, I have noticed a lot of grammatical errors that I didn't notice before. So right now, I'm in the process of editing, so you don't have to stumble over the words but instead have a smooth reading.

If you happen to see many grammatical errors in a chapter, I haven't edited yet, and I'm working on it;)

Thank you, enjoy:)


Amelia's Pov

"Amelia, Amelia, where are you honey?" My mom shouted from upstairs.

"I'm downstairs mom." I replied.

She started coming down the stairs. "Ohh, I had gone to your room to-" She paused on the stairs, turned her head sideways and started sniffing. "- Wait, what is that smell?"

I smiled at her and said, " Ohh, I made breakfast, your favorite, pancakes and you are just in time." She placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head.

Why did she do that? Is she tired? Does she have a headache? Did she start hating pancakes?

"Mom, I can make you something else if you like." I said trying to make her stop shaking her head.

She stopped and looked at me pitifully. " Amelia, sweetie, I just went to your bedroom to wake you up for school and here you are making breakfast for everyone. I told you not to overwork yourself honey, you went to bed very late last night. You know you can't be weary for the new term on the first day of school."

Every mom loves a hardworking child, coincidentally that's what my name means- Amelia-hardworking. It's not that she does not like that I'm a responsible girl. It's just that she thinks it's a bit odd, that a 16year old teenager loves being very responsible like it's a job.

But as for me, I don't think it's odd. I think that it's great I'm responsible so that I can become a great independent woman in the future.

" It's okay mom. You know it is my first day of the new term and I want everything to be perfect. Enjoy your breakfast, I'm off to school."

Having said that, l trotted out off the kitchen, grabbed my bag from the couch in the lounge, and walked to the door. Before I walked out, I smiled at my mom. A smile that said 'don't worry about me I'm not an abnormal teenage girl'

End of chapter

Short right? I will try to make the next chapter longer. Any mistakes?, pls let me know and pls comment.


Hey guys:

Thank u so much for choosing this book to read, there are like a  million books out there but you chose this one and that means so much to me. I'm going to admit that I'm not a pro or the best in writing so I may make mistakes.  Pls comment after reading.

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