Telling everybody

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Betty had fall asleep on my chest so i moved her and laid her on my bed. Then put the blanket over her and got downstairs . Hey was everything okay with her my dad asked, uhmm yeah kinda i think. What do you mean he said, lets just you guys will be mad. Why did you got her pregnant he said then Alice ( betty's mom) came next to me dad and was a bit confused. Uh yeah lets just say that yeah, are you out of your damm mind son you guys 19 . is it so bad that we are going to have a baby i said to my dad and Alice. Yeah it is the both said but then i heard a loud sound coming from my bedroom. I immediately run to the room my dad and Alice following. betts you okay i yelled, then i saw her on the floor .with only her bra and underwear on and she was bleeding from her head. I freaked out what do i need to do, babygirl you okay wake up please. I started crying because my love of my life was laying her on the floor bleeding out of her head. Put some clothes on her and then we go to the hospital my dad said . I picked some clothes for her and put them on while my dad and Alice where still in my room. It will be okay princess i said to her when i was ready dressing her.
I picked her up and put her on my lap in the car with her arms on my neck so she was holding me , that always calmed me. I was giving her little kisses on her head when suddenly she moved her head . Betts you awake baby I whispered to her , she set up and grabbed her head and groaned in pain fuck she said to herself. Hey you okay baby i said to her because of course i was worried , she answered it with yeah i am fine juggie like she always said when something happened. This is betty cooper the strong , brave, beautiful girl iknow if she is hurt she doesn't let it show. only if she is feeling depressed then she tells me nobody else.

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