First tattoo

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Betty got in the bathroom and me, hazel and our parents got out of my and betts room and got downstairs. Hazel do you want some fruit my dad asked hazel , hazel nodded a little so my dad and Alice picked some fruit and gave it to her. Then hazel started eating it she always loves fruit , she doesn't like vegetables only fruit ( hazel was now 6 months old) Because hazel was eating more real food not only a bottle of milk , and it really felt like she was getting a real person she always was but now it was getting more. Then after 20 minutes betty came downstairs and was looking so pretty. This were all of our outfits.

BpovI got downstairs to see the love of my life and my daughter giggling it was so cute i was smilling from ear to ear

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I got downstairs to see the love of my life and my daughter giggling it was so cute i was smilling from ear to ear. Hi juggie hi sunshine did you eat all of you fruits i said to hazel she nodded. Jug did she really eat everything i said don't believing hazel, yeah she did babygirl. Wow sunshine i am proud of you , can you give mommy a kiss i said to her. She then gave me a kiss on my lips after that i gave her kisses all over her little face.

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