Morning after

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Jug just woke me up so i told him if he wanted to help me get dressed and of course he wanted to help me.
Thanks jug i said, dont thank me princess we married we need to take off each other when the other cant he said i smiled.
Should i carry you down stairs or can you walk he asked me, i try to walk. I am so proud of you that you are trying to walk with hazel you didn't walk for over a week , oh shut it jug i had a c section and ( people say you cant really walk after having a baby it hurts and stuff 😬).
Should i get liz yeah but first i wanne see her, of course here she is.
Hi baby mommy missed you i said to liz while kissing her head, god its weird knowing i have two beautiful daughters jug said. Iknow but i am so happy knowing it , me too. Well now come down so we can feed our daughters he said I chuckled.
"Mommy" hazel said running to me , hi baby I missed you my little sunshine. I missed you to.

Betty and hazel were reunited again because yesterday when hazel came betty was already asleep so it was so cute to see them together again.
Betts sit down i fix the food i sit , really jug.
yeah baby i make breakfast for everyone, thanks juggie i love you. I love you to baby.
Hazel sit down alice said to hazel , okay. ( fp and alice slept over and the are now gonna eat with them )
Here is liz she needs to be fed she is gonna cry again if she isnt going to be fed, she is just like you jug you get moody when you dont get food betts said we all laughed.

After breakfast we all laid on the couches and watched a show for hazel then liz started crying. Oh baby dont cry i said to her but she wouldnt stop crying so i said back on couch and laid a blanket down and then liz within 5 minutes she was asleep again.
Look jug i said , awww she is so cute.


Liked by v_andrews , fp_jones and  300 others @Jugheadjonesafter a day I realized that I am now the father of two little girls And I couldn't be happier Thanks to my love@bettycooper

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Liked by v_andrews , fp_jones and  300 others
after a day I realized that I am now the father of two little girls
And I couldn't be happier
Thanks to my love

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