Is she knowing about the proposal??

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When i looked at jug i saw he was hiding something from me because he is a bad liar. So after we hugged jug got upstairs to put himself im some comfy clothes and then got back into the living room and sat next to me. Hi baby what's going on you have been quiet since i got home did i do something wrong? He asked . Juggie you have been hidding something for me today I don't know what but i know you hidding something. Tell me jug did you cheat on me !! did you make another girl pregnant!! I said to him really angry almost crying. No no of course not i would never cheat on you betts we are going to have a baby together and i love you so much, do you really think i would cheat on you. Yes you would because i am not pretty enough for you anymore i know i am getting fat because off the pregnancy but you could just break up with me and not cheat on me. But betty I didn't cheat i dont think you fat i think you beautiful all the time. But what are you hidding then are you leaving me alone with our baby, jug please don't leave me and our baby alone i beg you. Betts i am not leaving you even if you wanted me to leave I promise you I won't do that to you i love you and the baby so much he said then I began crying.

Betty thought I was cheating on her i would never and she knows that but i think that are just the hormones. She was crying on my lap and i kissed her head because i was sad because she was sad. I am sorry juggie she said to me crying no baby its nothing to be sorry about, i know you overreacting and that are just hormones so don't be sorry.

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