That is so pretty babe

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Betty started kissing hazel and when she was done i grabbed her and put her in my lap and kissed her neck and head. Jug don't do this our parents and daughter are here, sorry baby but you so sexy right now i said. Maybe tonight honey if i am not tired if that's okay for you, of course that's okay babygirl. I kissed her lips and she kissed back then jellybean came downstairs and said "get a room you two your daughter is watching " me and betty started laughing. I love you jughead jones i love you too soon to be betty jones we said.i can't wait to marry you juggie she said while smiling at me iknow me to baby. we gonna get married probably in the summer because it now is winter time and its freezing outside , and i am so excited i want to call her my wife.

Me and jug then got to the mall so i can finally get my tattoo i wanted a little heart on my wrist because it means three things jug , hazel and all the times I survived after i cut my self. It means so much to me because i was in a really dark place before hazel was born even in the pregnancy i was really depressed my anxiety was so bad. I am happy i had jb,my mom, fp, polly and jug the love of my life they helped me through everything the would stay awake all night to make sure i was okay. They supported me when they found out i was pregnant and said that I should keep it because, when I found out i thought that I should put it up for adoption . But Just by the thought of me not having this little girl right now gave me tears in my eyes . Then i broke down because i was kinda mad at my self for even thinking about something like that. Hey hey baby you okay? What's wrong? Jug asked worried, no jug i am a horrible mom i said. No betty you not a bad mom , i am jug when i found out i was pregnant with hazel i thought about putting her up for adoption i cried more. Awww betts its okay we didn't do that so don't feel bad he said back. But jug the thought is so wrong what if i really did that then we won't have this little girl anymore i said. But she is still here babygirl here take her he said while he gave hazel to me. "Hi hazel mommy loves you so much i can never live without you" i said, awww betty its okay my mom said. I know it is now but i kinda felt bad never thought i will love my baby so much.

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