Chapter 3/The world was dyed black with a malicious pain, is a good title

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After my arrest, I was in a net flying over my home town nursing a bitten leg. From this new vantage point, I looked down on the town where I had grown up. I wouldn't say I lived in the middle of nowhere but our town still had a Blockbuster. Soon we had landed on the top of the local court House. It also served as a prison, execution centre, butchers, organic bone meal fertiliser supply depot and smoothy cafe. It sounds a lot but the aliens always looked for ways to make government more profitable. The smoothy cafe was one of those ways of trying to create more value out of unused government buildings. Many prisons also doubled as hotels, or least that is what the brochure in my holding cell said.

After arrival, I was stripped naked. Then I had to stand while they hosed me down with ice-cold water from a fire hose. In the end, I was given an orange jumpsuit to wear. Then they discovered I was a prisoner, not a paying guest. So they threatened me not to tell the people in charge. I agreed in return for the promise of a free complimentary breakfast.

I was given an old orange jumpsuit to change into and was thrown into a holding cell. The door locked loudly behind me ringing like the gates of hell.

"Well this place would probably get five stars on air B&B" I said to myself as I looked around the cold grey concrete floor. I noticed the blue-grey paint flaking away from the rusting iron bars.

"Six if it had a bed," I added.

"Yeah," said a voice behind me "this prison had glowing reviews too".

I sat on a hard wooden bench that had been graffitied too many times and with too much desperation. I shared the cell with two women prisoners. An African American woman called Missouri, and a thin blonde woman in her forties called big Lou. Lou told me she was named after the state she was born in Louisa. Missouri too. It made me glad I wasn't conceived in Saskatchewan.

After introducing my self, it seemed like a good time to ask the question I really wanted answering.

I tried to drop into the conversation casually, "I've not been around here for a while. So what exactly is the penalty for not being registered to a pack?".

People shifted uncomfortably.

"Do you know what they do to folk, who don't have a pack in this state?" Missouri asked me.

I tilted my head, I thought my question might of clarified my ignorance on the matter. I might have been wrong. I went with my first thought. "Don't tell me. Are they told not to do it again but basically let go?"

"Nope." Missouri shook her heavy head.

"They are wrapped on the knuckles and told they are very very naughty and will have to pay a small fine," I said.

Missouri shook her head "Not even close. There is only one penalty for every crime in the Alpherate of America"

I jumped in. "I'm guessing what you're going to say next isn't, writing out lines."

"It's execution," Missouri said as bluntly as it was final.

I pulled an awkward face "Yeh, Thanks for sugar coating that one. Well, OK I was wrong, but I think we can both agree I had the better deterrent."

I guess it kind of makes sense. After all the death penalty was such an effective deterrent against murder, that if you think about it, it was only a matter of time before they introduced it for everything else.

I looked around the bare cell. "So what are you in death row for?" I asked.

"Speeding Ticket." Missouri nodded.

"Seriously? Don't tell me they are going to hang you for a speeding ticket?" I said.

Missouri started to laugh "no!" she said between fits of laughter "No one ever get's hanged for just a speeding ticket come on. Ha ha ha , Get real. Ha ha. How can anyone believe they would hang you for a speeding ticket?"

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