Chapter 86/The fruit of the carnivorous forest

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-Ship with Unpronounceable name- Near the rear of Sabrina's flagship

The Empress was on the other side of Sabrina's ship doing some very dangerous and dodgy maneuvers. We wanted Sabrina's pilots upfront to be watching the approach of the Empress, worrying if it would scratch the ship's paint. This, of course, is the danger of docking with the Empress. It was like having a giant hedgehog engage in energetic for play with a balloon. You could imagine everybody glued to the screens watching for the inevitable outcome.

"OK, everybody standby," said Victoria from the ship's controls. It was weird sitting in a flight deck filled with warmish water and about twenty Callistrian girl guides. I was breathing in my glamours mode space suit strapped to a chair. The space behind us was full of tentacles and eye-less faces of giant Octopi which were the Callistrian girl guide troop. It looked like a weird shunga  scene on steroids.

I could feel the water stop vibrating as the girl-guides shut up. Everyone was holding their breath - with is a lousy description because only three people in the ship with like a hundred souls actually breathed air. In reality 'everyone held their water' or 'everyone held their gills' doesn't frame the tense situation. Victoria did a tricky manoeuvre to dock, unnoticed, on to the rear of Sabrina's huge flag ship, Millennium Falcon style. Beyond, more of our ships moved around too confused any of Sabrina's fleet.

Victoria was at the controls and even flying a ship in water; she maneuvered behind several ships and then crept up on Sabrina's ship's rear. At the moment the Empress docked, we attached ourselves in our tiny ship to the back of Sabrina's. The idea was if anybody heard anything, then they would just guess it was a reverberation from the Empress's docking port.

The next stage was easy. Easy if you possess an overly powerful laser cutter that can slice through a ship's outer hull like a blowtorch through dark chocolate.

Victoria looked back at the Girl guide troop.

"OK," I began to the girl guide troop, "we are going to go in and cut the gravity feeds. When the crew is floating about helpless, you all come in wearing your spacesuits."

It turned out that the Callistrian's already had something a bit like a diving suit. I know you're asking what a race of aquatic beings could do with a diving suit? I mean, it's not like they're afraid of getting wet or anything? It turns out that there were some regions of Callisto's ocean that did not contain any oxygen. It's a long story. It's like having areas of Earth where there are regions where you cannot breathe the air. If you're nodding and saying I know it's called Los Angeles during a smog season, then I guess you're a little bit right but imagine 100 times worse. Imagine a firestorm over Oregon where the air becomes and breathable, and you need an oxygen supply. Or a full biohazard suit so you can visit anyone in an isolation ward in safety. Mum and dad had figured this out and got the girl guides to bring their 'firesuits'. From what Brown Owl had told me, as mother and father of 'the-true-prophet' they had been immediately been elevated to 'leader' status. Mom and Dad had stayed behind to make sure the over throw of the Pandoras proceeded with as little green blood being spilt as possible.

I must say the girl guides were doing pretty well for living in what they regarded as a void. From their point of view, they had entered another dimension of other-ness. I'm sure if I had taken a human girl guide troop through a black hole, they would not be this together. Not unless we baked cookies or something. Na, what do I know? If you are or know a girl guide who has entered an unknown dimension where physics laws differ, let me know. I'm suddenly curious for some reason. Victoria had lied and said they would all get their 'third state of matter' and 'fourth state of matter' badges. This seemed to settle it for the troop. Our essential plan was to sneak in, cut the gravity, and attack from behind with the race of highly trained zero gravity fighters. AKA girl guides/aqua Jedi. The Alpha would do the same from the front to distract them.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя