Chapter 55/Why is there always love, but trouble?

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The Alpha's Palace/High earth orbit/ 

Emma's POC. 

Soon, I'm being dragged by the hand by the Alpha towards the nearest elevator. I'm pulled in by him and pushed up against the wall. Other people enter into the elevator with us. I can see Victoria operating the buttons. Soon the elevator is shooting up and then out of the great palace. We continue going up until we pass through the floor to the inner forest layer.

"No no, I can't do this," I tell the Alpha.

"You must." The Alpha says pushed up against me. I can feel my heart thudding like a giant to the landscape of my body.

"You don't understand" I whispered to him "I can't, I think I'm going to kill you."

"Don't worry statistics say that's how people feel near the end of most marriages." The Alpha declares. "I was dreading the build-up. Then the flower opened early. Come on this is perfect. Its a sign from the Lunar goddess. "

My words were making as much impression as trying to stab him with a knife made from a half-eaten Pringle.

Is this what he wanted? He knows if he completes the ceremony he's got an imprint on me for good. I can't pretend to be Sabrina for the rest of my life. This is madness it's like the elevator is filling full of water,. Soon it will fill up and I will drown. I'm finding it impossible to breathe looking out I can see elevator after elevator below us and a rounders. It's a huge flock of elevators flying with us. A huge elevator migration.

The others in the elevator are so in awe. "have you ever known the great orchid to flower this early?" They say excitedly to each other. Everyone is freaked. Others are looking at their phones trying to Google when the last time this happened.

"Should we just wait?" I say out aloud.

I know the answer is no I'm just trying to figure out a way of stopping this. I realize at this moment the reason I don't want to kill the Alpha is an out of some grandiose feeling but because I really don't want to lose him. Against all my better judgment I actually quite like him. Okay, I'm rather understanding that this could be love or something compatible with love. It's not helping.

It's hard to know what is happening as it is dark outside. Night has already fallen in this can world.

The elevator lands on the green grass near where the hunt began. We could see the standing circle nearby and within it the orchid. Hundreds of Pandoras are organizing the crowd.

The way towards the great circle is opened like a kind of aisle in the church. People are rushing quickly and I can see the look of expectations on their eyes.

"I can't do this," I tell the Alpha as he drags me down.

As we get closer I resist more and more trying to dig my heels in but it's futile. It's like standing in mud and trying to stop a huge digger from pushing you forwards. I'm desperate and I don't know what to say.

"Please please." I say "Victoria explain it to him."

The Alpha just ignores me and pulls me down the aisle. The idiot seems happy about this entire experience.

"Wedding nerves," Victoria says she then rushes off as fast as she can go in her dress. As we get closer to the great orchid I can see Bex is waiting for me. With both of us, it's unlikely he's going to live.

"Please Alpha you have to let me go," I whisper to him. "Your life is in great danger. You don't know what is going to happen next. "

Victoria rushes up to take her formal spot next to the flower. The sundial is way off and people are forming a huge crowd around us.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora