Chapter 30/I will never belittle arctic krill ever again

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My heart started to believe I could possibly escape and hide for a long time. I mean how could they search somewhere like Delaware? I suddenly had a chance. I kept scanning for possibilities.

"What are those things?" I said pointing at the smaller cylinders connected by tubes to the main one.

"Habitats used by the lesser clans and packs," Pandora said cleaning the porthole with a cloth.

"This is terrible," said Bex. "This is so terrible and the worst thing in my life. " Finally something had brought her down from her post coition high.

"What?" I said.

Bex pointed at the porthole. "The most amazing artefact ever built. Bigger than the pyramids more engineering than an iPad and I can't take a selfie with it! Without a selfie it; it's like it's not even happened. I mean who will ever believe I've been here?"

I lifted my eyebrows "err me."

"That's an idea" said Bex.

A notice flashed up which said every one to docking position. Pandora and Victoria left the cabin.

I was suddenly pleased I had been listened to.

"Perhaps' Bex continued "you could draw a picture of me with the porthole in the background?"

I looked around for an alternative.

"You know" I began saying and pointing at the panel at the wall between the bar "I bet you could reach that screen with your hand. Perhaps you could reach up there and get it to send a tweet or something."

"Really?" Bex said looking up quickly. Bex moved like I had attached her hand to a powerful magnet. Within seconds she was tapping away at the screen.

"It's Lycan tech," Bex said "all my concubine training knows how to do is order champagne on room service and dial-up a porn channel. Still...."

I turned my attention back to the porthole. I wanted to remember the layout. This was the closest I would get to a map. If I wanted to get out I would need to figure out my way to a spaceship and come back. While I looked at the swarm of ships we were slowly approaching I heard Bex talking to her self. I think she had dialled up a sex manual by accident.

"Hey, we did that" she would say "and that. And that, not that, yuk, tick, disgusting, tick, I'm not doing that, or that, I might do that, OK that, tick. This looks fun but only in space."

Meanwhile I was transfixed by the Alpha's palace. Behnd it, I could see Earth. That was strange. The feelings in my heart were too complex to follow a simple desire. I looked at Earth. I could see mountains, clouds which should be sheltering me from the strong sun. Under the slow arc of the earth below, I could see a thin blue line. Practically nothing a tiny thin shell wrapped around a huge round world. Now in space, I could see all of humanity moving around in a microscopic box of air. I felt a new kind of love.

"That's Earth," I said astonished like I was seeing God for the first time.

"Unhu" Bex said working on something.

"It's my home. I've got to protect it." I said I felt a weird desire to look at my foot tattoo.

"Yeh, your right" Bex said now forming a proper sentence "We have to save the earth. It's so very important. I mean it's where all my stuff is, right?"

I looked out of the window and noticed a massive ship docked outside the huge drum. It had three cylinders each of which had a strut leading to the central body. It looked like some designer with a fetish for cathedrals had moonlighted on the design of a space ship. Whatever they had done was very dangerous looking. I mean you could easily poke your eye out with that ship if you weren't careful.

"What's that ship?" I said to Bex.

Bex peeked out. "Don't you ever get out? It's the Empress. Word is its a wedding gift the Alpha had built for Sabrina. Got Wired magazine's number one for most expensive and or dangerous wedding gifts of all time."

"Whatever it is, the first thing I think is I hope it doesn't move because if it does someone could poke an eye out with it."

"It's supposed to be one of the fastest ships in the Alpha's fleet," Bex said.

OK, I must say I do want a rant about space ships. I always liked the Borg because they had a kick-ass ship. I mean this is space, who needs smooth shapes? Yeah, Borg cube says 'we assimilated air now so we don't give a flying fidget about aerodynamics either. FYI we are smart enough to know they don't work out here and you know what ? we don't care either.' Does this make me a bad person? Frankly, I'm up for a space ship designed like a Tesla Cyber truck something which says 'Yeh I have the polygon count of the original Elite Dangerous and I'm loving it'. By the way, I've never played Elite dangerous but I like the way it makes No Man's sky look unfinished.

Soon the ship moved out of view of the porthole and Bex went back to looking for a link back to Earth.

After another minute Bex made a noise.

She reached up and started swiping around. "Good news is I think I can access environmental controls. This might be the navigation system. That's the primary system configuration. The main engine controls. The weapons systems at a pinch. Security systems but not the vital stuff."

I raised my eyebrow.

"So what's the bad news?"

"Still no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all the important stuff is locked with higher privileges. Except for a Spotify feed but that only plays Bluegrass music."

"Which leads us to one inevitable conclusion," I said looking back to the view out of the porthole.

Bex looked at me "that we are fated to be killed as concubines for a state wedding?"

"Worse," I said "Someone on this ship likes blue-grass music."

Bex nodded "That is a disturbing thought. The best guess is one of the werewolves does. You would think they both looked too cute for blue-grass music."

At this point, the ship sank into the mighty shadow of the huge space palace. The whole ship was swallowed like a anchovie into a whale.

I looked out "I will never belittle arctic krill ever again." I said. 


Don't think this is for once second where the expensive CGI scenes would be. This jaw kind of dropping mega structures are like cheap to render these days. No the heavy-duty CGI come later.  We always wanted to something in a space colony so yeah indulge us.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now