Chapter 82/In the Alpha's arm

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Pretty soon, we were all back on the command deck.

"these controls work for me via a special hack," the Alpha told me, "but I need to direct the fleet. I want you to control the ship's weapons."

The interior of the ship began to change shape. Of course, this is Lycan technology; it was bound to adapt to the number of people on the ship.

"Incoming," Bex said, looking over form a screen. She was at a radar station next to Guido. We all looked at the displays. Something was moving very fast. It was the stream of the object moving at very high speed. Sabrina's ships move aside like a huge shoal of fish forming a doughnut.

"Pull away immediately," The Alpha said.

Most of the other ships could see what was happening, but the Colossus couldn't move as we were currently inside the rocket exhaust. Guido, now flying the ship, pulled it hard away, and I got the mental feeling of one of the airlocks cracking as the Empress pulled away.

"Comet busters," someone else who is monitoring the radar said.

There was something in his tone of voice that didn't sound good. For all I knew, 'Comet busters' could be a completely innocent word. All I knew, they could be armed with huge amounts of highly decorated flowers. However, there was something in the tone of voice. It was the same kind of tone a building inspector might say when he inspects the wooden foundation, and you hear him say 'termites.' Or a mother might use looking into the picnic bag and says 'maggots.' In truth is was the name kind of solemnity as when a daughter says to her mother 'of course I haven't been sending nude pictures myself to my boyfriend, what kind of idiot do you take me for? I mean, what made you think I would do something as dumb as that?' And the mother holds up her iPad and just issues the one word 'Facebook'. That serious.

There was a line of fast-moving dots on the display, the kind of line that looked either like a row of fairy lights if you are feeling positive or a line of very militarised fireflies if you are not. The Alpha's ships began to shift but not fast enough. I guess they hid behind each other to hide the number on the way in.

The comic busters had begun to split apart like a Korean boy band after two years in the charts. They follow their own path's moving towards the alpha ships.

"Lost contact with the HardClaw," said one of the Alphas officers looking at the screens. I looked at the tactical displays; we were still quite close to Callisto.

The Alpha looked at the screen, trying to desperately understand what was happening to his fleet.

"She sacrificed 10 of her own ships to keep hours in the trap." He said

All I could see were digital indications that the alphas ships were being knocked out.

"Ring-runner is sending out a distress call." Another operator said, "Bone-of-contention has lost engines. Death-of-Intention has lost power."

The room was already full of people speaking at once.

"We get the fuck out of here." Victoria said add to her helmsman "hard left, hard left."

It was clear to me that until we were further enough away, Victoria couldn't fire her engines and move the Colossus. We were making them a sitting duck.

The Alpha nodded "helm departure maximum acceleration any vector."

Suddenly the Empress began to accelerate again. Big time. Like standing under an Elephant bad.

The Alpha pointed at one of the buttons near me. It was labeled "point defense." I pressed it.

We shot away from the back of the Colossus. Practically as soon as we did, you could see the huge engines of the glow Colossus. I think Victoria knew they couldn't dodge the weapons, but they could put their strongest shields towards them.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now