85/The End my friend

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Emma's POV - the Empress in the middle of the combined battle fleets. In the orbit of Jupiter near Callisto. It's a Tuesday, nearly afternoon. 

It was about an hour later when we approached the ship, which Sabrina was using as her flagship. We had a planet busing laser pointing at the ship, which Sabrina claimed she was on. I wasn't sure she was in there, it looked too tasteful for Sabrina's main ship. I mean, she had a few thousand to choose from. I mean of all the cool ships she had at her call, why choose one which looked like interstellar Pringle? It looked like the kind of ship, which got victimized by the other ships, just to boost their failing self confidence after being hassled by the very big ships like the Empress. The only explanation she told someone to find the first ship she wouldn't be seen dead flying in.

The ships carrying some Calistrians few around us and the fleet flew like minnows in a shole of whales. The Calistrians had quite a knack of flying ships. Given they hadn't heard of air and then vacuum until sometime that morning, it was impressive. I guess states of matter were like busses, you have two for like 100,000 years, and then two new ones come along in one day. I felt like introducing plasma to them so that they could say 'thanks with this one, you've finished our box-set of all states matter with an amazing finale.' Ha,. maybe later.

We, meaning the Alpha, Bex, Guido, and I, had retreated to a planning room with Victoria, Queenie and Victoria's Dad coming in live via some nifty 3D projector thingy. It was like Zoom, but you know... less flat and for some reason not as attractive to cat bombing. The Alpha looked troubled.

"What's Up?" I asked.

The Alpha looked at me, "How many people believe Sabrina gave into easily and is planning something?"

We all instantly put our hands up, even Peter, Victoria's dad did, and he had never met her. Is it reassuring we were confident in Sabrina's lack of being honorable in defeat? I couldn't decide.

"Blow her ship up...fabricate some lame excuse later," Victoria said plainly.

I looked over to her, "seriously, we won, and all you can do is a plan like a drunken racist policeman?"

Victoria stuck her tongue at me.

"Things are critical." The Alpha said, flashing is high cheekbones at me, " Sabrina must bend the knee, or her supporters might decide they don't need her and want to take over first and decided who is the new Alpha from them after."

Actually, he said no such thing. He was talking in low Lycan, and it turns out the whole get a group of packs together and take out the big pack, then decide it between your selves later, has a word for it. I'm not going to tell you what it is because you might try to pronounce it out loud and you might get your phone all covered in spit. Actually, while I'm at it, is it just me, or have you ever had one of those words or names in a book and discover like six months later the word in you hear head is nothing like the way it's supposed to be pronounced? Like you read Persephone as 'per-sa-phone' in Naughts and Crosses 'in your head for the entire book and then only discover it when you are talking about it with a friend later. Worse still that moment when you are watching the TV adaptation and wondering who the new Persephone character is and when is 'per-sa-phone' turning up? . I so hate hard to pronounce made-up words in books worse than watching Shailene Woodley's ending in the Fault in our Stars.

Anyway, I walk a crooked path, which is OK because the conversation has just been going round in circles. So you haven't missed anything.

"What do you think?" The Alpha asked me, and I shot back into focus.

"What do I think about what ?" I said.

He looked at me, kind of oddly but still affectionally, "You know about the Matlactli Cuauhtli option?"

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