Chapter 57/The carnivorous forest

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Now out of the water and without the added heating the prospect of imminent death seems to provide I'm suddenly starting to get quite cold. We are sitting on the rocks next to the river as it begins to pick up the pace and turn white as it begins to fall over a huge waterfall in the distance. Bex rings out some of her blue concubine dress but the hem of her dress is still hanging in the water.

"Where should we go now?" I say.

Queenie shrugs "I don't know, we need to hide for the moment. Then find out what's going on."

In the distance, I can hear the occasional bursts of shots and explosions. I guess this must have been vaguely reassuring in that somewhere out there the Alpha, or at least his army is still fighting with Sabrina's troops.

I look around "why don't we go into the forest that way?" I say pointing.

Victoria looks at me. "Well, it's a carnivorous forest for a start."

I look at her "You mean coniferous forest. As in cone-bearing and evergreen." I'm rather pleased I can remember that. It's good to have a knowledge of something that isn't related to being a concubine. Then I pause thinking that perhaps it is and I've just been ignorant of the strange horticultural kink up until now.

"No carnivorous forest is right." Queenie says looking at me. "on your planet don't you have trees which at night reach out and rip you apart in the dark?"

"Err no," I say.

"Arr.. your planet is so sweet you know that?" Queenie says.

I look around I think I remember seeing this place when I was out with the Alpha during the hunt.

"I think I've been here before," I said trying to squeeze more water out of my dress.

Queenie looks at me "Was it during the day dear?"

"I guess so."

Queenie shrugs "well the plants only start craving blood at night."

Victoria looks around look "we can't stay here."

It seems obvious we need to try and go into the forest. "Whoever is in the spaceship near the central axis will start using telescopes to look for survivors. the forest is our only cover."

The dress obviously doesn't morph while wet.

I tried and strip down some of the petticoats and throw a lot of our clothing into the river.

"Madame Pontefract will kill me," I say watching some of the petticoats drift away.

Victoria shrugs"To be honest, there's a long queue she has to get to the back of. if we're lucky they will think we died."

Now several pounds lighter without the wet undergarments will begin traipsing into the forest around us. Sometimes the sunlight flickers. Everyone stops and scans the trees.

After a few half an I begin to feel sure I know where we are.

"Hang on I think I know where we can hide." I begin.

Sure enough within a few minutes, I've managed to navigate into the glade where we left Bob the lobster. A minute or so after that I'm guiding them to the strange hiding place the Alpha found for Bob.

Pushing a large leaf aside I see the half cave we found.

"This is great," Queenie says.

We walk in. Inspecting the place like we might be there for some time.

Then I hear something move. Something dark and slippery. We disturbed something which shouldn't be disturbed. My stomach is suddenly filled with barbed wire, the modern kind.

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