Chapter 22/We have to fight to the dead again

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I was resurrected by the spectral machine and this time Bex and I trotted quickly back to the training area. Having survived my selection ordeal I was put on the 'high achiever' team. This involved more training and discipline. Over the next few weeks or so, Bex, the other slaves and I had a brutal time with Miss Marissa.

"You all will now give the salute and give the pledge of allegiance" Misstress Marissa said at the start of the class.

Cue internal groan here.

We all turned to face the picture of the symbol of the red paw pack.

"I hereby pledge Allegiance to the Alpha of the Red Paw Pack and for the Alphate for which it stands. One interstellar nation across time and space dedicated to the ruthless competition in all things. With liberty and justice for the winners and a slow horrible mocking demise for the beta losers. " we all said sort of in unison.

"As you know the post of head girl is a very important one." Mistress Marissa. "As head girl you are responsible for minor punishments and it's a stepping stone to my job as head of novices. Currently, Jane has that position but we must all, do what Bex?"

Bex stopped trying to look at her hand suddenly paid attention.

"Compete for everything no matter how unimportant. Mistress." She said repeating the slogan we all had become numb by repeating.

I had the feeling the vestal virgins had the idea that if you kept repeating the same stupid sentence all the time it would become true. Hmm let me try that... I am 5ft 11, I am 5ft 11, I am 5 ft11... nope no change there. Worth a try. 

"America As an Alphate we belong because we subscribe to the notion of making our selves stronger by regularly competing for everything. Even the Alpha has to compete at a regular interval for his job. It makes us stronger girls." Marissa said.

I do find this irritating because about the third of the 'girls' were boys. As she spoke another concubine came out. She wore the uniform of the higher sister. I quickly noticed that this was Jane Mansfield. Victoria's old friend.

"It's time for Sister Jane to fight to the death for her job. I'm inviting applicants to stand forward for the job of head girl."

Jane stands forward. No one else moves. I mean we are all sick of being killed and who wants her stupid job?

Mistress Marissa looks around "What no applicants? Well, Jane can't have a job she hasn't competed for can she? Pink - you will fight Jane."

I turn to look at Marissa.

"You heard me get to it." Mistress Marissa said, "You will fight to the death nothing less."

Suddenly I realise this was a plot by Marissa to get rid of me. She's been on my back about everything since I started. I don't want to hurt Jane but I'm now stuck and Marissa knows it.

"Weapons?" Marissa says.

It's traditional to declare to the referee what weapons they should use. I know the rules as if they have been injected into my brain by the machine. Which they have.

"Feather dusters," I say.

There is a weapon replicator nearby it can make anything.

Marissa looks at me. "Why?"

"Because if I have to die, I want to die laughing," I said.

Marissa doesn't look very happy at this. "Jane."

"Stilletos," Jane says sternly.

"You want to fight by us clobbering each other with fashion footwear. Now, who's not taking it seriously?" I said.

The Alpha's concubine (Girl x Werewolf)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ