Chapter 20/Death by...well everything

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Over the weeks Bex and I were trapped there I learnt a lot. For example, the Vestal virgins believed in the moon goddess Selena. They tried their best to get us to pray to and believe in the god of the werewolves. The fact that both Earth and the Lycan homeworld Splat had large silver moons was a weird coincidence. It however, made the Lycan's feel very at home, so at home it made them treat our world like theirs.

Part of the concubine download was all the knowledge about the moon goddess and concubine manners. We all knew what to do. We all had regular prayers and knew what to say, how to behave, what to do, but I was in limbo about what to believe in. I kept trying to resist. Yet any shadow of resistance was instantly met by brutal punishment or execution.

In one week alone I had been stabbed, drowned, shot, beheaded, bled to death, lanced with a spear, poisoned, crushed by a falling piano, shot, hang on, I said shot already. Strange, I could have sworn I was only shot once. Weird I must have been shot twice then. Three times I died after having an arm or hand cut off, believe me, that gets old fast. After I pointed out the lycan bible's value of Pi was 3, I was drowned in a vat of baby spiders. I was used for archery target practice four times, garroted, strangled, hung, had my windpipe crushed by a stamping stiletto and choked to death on an avocado seed. The last one wasn't a punishment at the hands of Miss Marissa it was actually after completely failing to pull off a party trick before the other concubines.

Finally, I had been thrown down a four-story pit and buried alive. The burying wasn't actually a punishment it was more of a hazing from my fellow concubines, but I'm still including it because I don't think anyone would reasonably hold out at this point. You can only see your own red blood spurting on someones face so many times before you just want to get along no matter how unpleasant Miss Marissa gets.

Along with the killing, Misstress Marissa also used assorted physical punishments. She knew any damage she did could be undone by a quick trip to the spectral machine. From punching, slapping, poking, branding with a hot iron, whipping, using a crowbar and cutting with a box knife. Marissa would use it all. Worst of all she had a bat she loved to use to hit the concubines with. I must say there is nothing worse than being hit by a scared squeaking nocturnal mammal. It would flap its wings all over and you would be slapped by it's skin covered claws. It was terrible and you just shuddered at the sound.

I lost track of time but I felt like I was strapped to the front of an express train accelerating on tracks which stopped at the base of a large black mountain. The large mountain was being sold.

On that fateful day we all marched well minced into the principle training room. FYI this is minced the style of walking not the stuff burgers are made out of but this point I had been beaten up so much that for me, there wasn't much difference.

The slave classroom was like an evil dance studio. Do they have dance studios in hell? Maybe they do. Possibly for the sin of greed or gluttony combined with the sin of poor timing or the sin of having no rhythm. I'm not sure and I don't want to go into it.

The floor was hard but with some bounce, with the odd splatter of blood. At the far end was the entrain to the principal temple of the Vestal virgins. Miss Marissa walked. It was poorly lit. Today there were pillars with a weird silver plate on it. We were each handed a light silver cloak to were.

"Now the time has come to test your powers of haruspication." Mistress Marissa announced.

I froze for a second whatever it was it's didn't sound pleasurable or comfortable. Then I saw Jane Mansfield put some rubber gloves on and I wanted to cross my legs. The more able acolytes like Jane came and stood behind the novices like my self and Bex. The digitally imposed memory came into my brain, haruspication was looking at animal entrails to predict the future. When I wanted to do divination classes in Hogwarts as a kid, this sausage factory wasn't what I had in mind.

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